"And you're just plain stupid to think we weren't going to come after you again after every shitty thing you've done." Mic spoke through gritted teeth, making direct, angered eye contact with Cobs, as he knelt down to MePads side.

"Don't you dare touch them." MePhone sneered, stepping forward.

"Ah, and what are you going to do? Get past my security bot? I'd love to see you try." Cobs spoke, his voice becoming a bit more calm, as he believed he finally had this situation back under his control, as he removed a Panel from MePad's lower side.

"We'll be sure to put on a show for you then. It'll be the last cool thing you see before we send your sorry ass off to prison." MePhone made the first move, his nerves, and anger still being at the front of its emotions as it swung the mallet at the X, though it was so much harder to keep balance with this with just one arm, as the X swiftly evaded, only to push MePhone further away. As MePhone distracted the X, Microphone took this chance to make a run at Cobs, activating her flight for the first time in what felt like years, planning a really cool air kick or something-- she hadn't really thought it out properly, though it never seemed to happen, as X held one claw out to keep a distance between it, and MePhone4, using its other claw to grab her leg, and yank her roughly back down to the ground.

"Ouff-" She let out, shaking off the daze as she kicked the claw away before it could throw her around anymore, quickly crawling back a bit, then getting back up to her feet. It was clear this security bot was going to have to be the first focus, as Cobs quickly seemed to work and tamper with MePad in the background.

MePhone kept throwing swings at the X, it soon got sick of the constant dodging, using its claw to grab MePhone's arm.

"N-no-" MePhone immediately seemed to seize up at its arm being grabbed, the memory of what happened to it's other arm making itself apparent as MePhone promptly dropped the mallet, now trying to get away. It didn't want to lose its other arm, as the grip only tightened, sending even more panic into MePhone4

"No-- Nono no please--" MePhone seemed completely out of it as Microphone had to take charge, running over to help. She couldn't let anyone else get hurt on her watch. Not like this. She swung a punch at the X, who's main focus was MePhone4, it staggering back and letting go, as Mic took this chance to grab MePhone4, shoving it away so she could safely use her powers without harming it directly, as it fell into the grass, still shaking from the panic as it turned over onto its back to watch what was about to go down. She pressed the button on her chest, and promptly screamed as high as she could, the frequency alone sending a crack right through X's screen as it stumbled back and into the grass, now motionless. Cobs now finally brought his gaze up to see as he had to stop to cover his own ears. His eyes widened as he realized she had made quick work of his only security.

"You... You meddling bitch." He spat out, growing furious again, as she stepped forward, the X now out of commission.

"You couldn't just sit back and do the job you were told to do. You couldn't just leave it be." He stood, his expression furious as he now seemed to be done tampering with MePad in the moment.

"You're calling me a bitch? After everything you've done? You've hurt so many people, and for WHAT." Microphone stepped forward, her voice booming. Cobs flinched at the noise.

"Oh, for what? The better of this world you dense, foul cretin. What I was going to do would have been so much good for this world, would have been so much good for ME! But nooo!" he paused to wave his arms around. "You just had to get involved, and not only kill me, but ruin my damned reputation!"

"Oh so what, other objects LIVES are less important than your reputation? What is your PROBLEM?"

"My problem, is YOU, and every other stupid object that's gotten in my way." He took a moment to bring something out from behind his back. A weapon of his own. A regular gun now aimed at Microphone, who stood completely still as MePhone finally shook off its nerves, all of it being replaced by its still rage, as it carefully slinked into the bushes as quietly as it could as Cobs complete focus was on Microphone now. It had to do something. As Cobs kept yapping on, MePhone blocked most of it out, probably something stupid and condecending, but MePhone didn't care. Its focus was on taking Cobs down, one way or another.

Teamwork is a skill we lack. (II SUPERHERO AU FIC)Where stories live. Discover now