Chapter 12

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Peter's POV

I was sitting at the dining room table, hands intertwined and head down. I knew it was only 10:37, but Shadow not being down here yet made me anxious.

Sighing, I stood up and pushed the chair in. And as I made my way up to her room, I couldn't help but think how lonely she must be, living all alone like this.

I raised my hand to knock on her door before stopping, hearing quiet sobs coming from inside.

Without thinking I flung the door open and rushed inside. Shadow looked up at me, eyes glossy with tears.

"Darling?" I asked, walking up to her. She flinched and buried her head in her knees, pulling them closer to her chest. I stopped walking and stared at her with wide eyes.

Shadow's/My POV

I forced down more tears, hiding my face from Peter as he walked closer to me.

"Darling? What's wrong?" Peter asked.

"It's all my fault," I murmured, my voice muffled.

"What? What do you mean it's 'all your fault?'"

"Bill's going to kill you!" I burst out, looking up at him. His eyes widened ever so slightly more.

"H-he told me that he was done with you," I sniffled, lowering my head and wrapping my arms around my knees.

"Darling, it isn't your fault," Peter said, reaching out with his hand.

"Yes it is!" I yelled at him, making him flinch back. "I was too stupid to realize what was happening and now he's going to kill you!" I sobbed and buried my face back in my knees.

Peter's POV (Again)

I stared at Shadow, unsure of what to do until she murmured, "I don't want him to kill you," just loud enough for me to hear.

"Then why don't you tell him that?" I asked softly.

"I have to follow his orders," she sniffed.

"Did he order you to do anything?"

"Well..." she stopped and looked back up at me. I gave her a patient smile, and she took a deep breath before looking away.

"No," she breathed. "He didn't order me to do anything."

"Then surely you could talk to him?" I hummed, reaching out and gently placing my hand on her shoulder. She flinched slightly before nodding.

"Let's go," she said, grabbing my hand.

"Wait? 'Let's?'" I echoed. But instead of answering, she teleported us away.

Bill's POV

(⚠️TW; Screaming and cursing!⚠️)

"So, come to talk me out of killing him, huh?" I asked, looking at Shadow and Peter as they teleported to the Mindscape. She nodded, eyes fierce with determination.

"You're stubborn kid, ya know that?" I huffed. She growled but said nothing. I gritted my teeth.

"Why can't you see that he's just a psychopath?!" I yelled, taking a step towards her.

"Don't tell me you're any better!" She exclaimed, ears flat and tail lashing. I stopped and stared at her. She growled. Peter looked back and forth between us with wide eyes.

"Look Bill, I know you're trying to protect me but it's my own damn fault!" Shadow yelled. "I ignored the signs and got too carried away in trying to help him! THIS HAPPENED BECAUSE I FUCKED UP!"

(TW over!)

Shadow's POV (Again)

I glared at Bill, breathing heavily. Both him and Peter stared at me with wide, surprised eyes. I growled.

"Enough is enough Bill," I hissed, before turning to Peter. "Come on. Let's go home." And before either him or Bill had a chance to respond I grabbed Peter's hand and teleported us back to my room.

Bill's POV (Again)

"Heh," I breathed with a smile. "She really is stubborn, isn't she?"

(Word count: 611)

You're Mine Darling (Peter/YB x OC) BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now