Chapter 11

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Shadow's/My POV

I stared down at the counter, watching as the blood smeared onto the oak. I could clean it up later, I just needed a little time to think.

With a sigh, I backed up a bit and turned the on the faucet to wash off Peter's blood. I was disappointed in myself. If I wasn't so concerned this wouldn't have happened.

I stopped and mentally hit myself. Great. Now I'm being a bitch.

With a small sigh, I grabbed the first aid kit from under the sink and teleported just outside Peter's door. I took a moment to take a deep breath before knocking.

"Come in Darling," Peter's voice called from inside. As I opened the door, I couldn't help but think how dejected Peter's tone was.

I cleared my throat and walked up to him. "You alright?" I murmured, just loud enough for him to hear as I cleaned up the cuts on his arm.

"Yeah..." He trailed off. "Look, Shadow, I'm-"

"Don't," I said, cutting him off. "Just..." I sighed, wrapping the bandages around his arm before standing.

"Get some sleep," I told him, head down. "We can talk in the morning." And before he had the chance to respond, I turned and left, shutting the door behind me.

Peter's POV

I watched silently as Shadow left. I felt even worse now. She looked so... disappointed in herself. She didn't seem mad, but the tone in her voice made her sound so upset.

I sighed. I really should apologize in the morning. I wasn't thinking properly and now... this, was happening.

As I laid in bed and closed my eyes, something told me that Bill was sure to be there.

Shadow's POV (Again)

(⚠️Self-harm warning!⚠️)

When I got to my room and laid in bed, it felt like everything was wrong. And, without thinking, I sat up and pulled my dagger out of its sheath.

In swift movements I made a couple of cuts on my wrist, watching as the blood welled and dripped down my arm.

I stared at the cuts for a moment before getting out of bed with a sigh. I set down my dagger before unstrapping the sheath from my thigh and setting it down beside the blade.

After another small sigh I made my way to the bathroom to clean and bandage the cuts.

(Self-harm over!)

(Word count: 400)

You're Mine Darling (Peter/YB x OC) BOOK 2Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα