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Peter's POV

I gripped the collar of my shirt, smiling like a lunatic. Fresh cuts bled on my arms, dripping down into the sink.

My smile deepened as I said,"Oh Darling, I finally found my way back to you."

Shadow's/My POV

By the time I finished things up and flopped down on my bed it was 11:00 pm already. How annoying.

I sighed and stretched out my arms, feeling too tired to get back up and get a drink of water. Thankfully, I always left the metal water bottle by my bed and reached down to grab it.

After a quick drink I put it back down and rolled onto my side. With a yawn I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep, unaware of what was going to happen the next day.

(Word count: 137)

You're Mine Darling (Peter/YB x OC) BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now