Chapter 6

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Shadow's/My POV

After getting ready for bed, the sudden scent of blood hit me. I looked around, confused, but followed the scent out of my room and to Peter's room.

"Peter?" I called, knocking on the door. "Can I come in?"

"Come in Darling," Peter's voice responded from inside. Quietly, I turned the knob and pushed open the door.

Upon entering the room, the metallic scent of blood was even stronger. And upon further inspection, there were scratches on Peter's neck and crimson blood on his finger nails. My eyes widened and I rushed over to him.

"Peter!" I exclaimed. "What did you do?" I grabbed his hand and leaned in towards his neck to get a closer look at the scratches.

"Hm? Oh! Uh, I..." Peter trailed off. I sighed and backed away.

"Nevermind. Stay here, I'll go get a first-aid kit." And with that, I teleported down to the kitchen.

Peter's POV

Oops, I thought. Guess I went a little too far.

I smiled. At least I knew Shadow cared though.

And while I thought about it, a devious plan came to my mind. If I could do something similar to this another time, maybe, just maybe, I could make her mine.

(Word count: 206)

You're Mine Darling (Peter/YB x OC) BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now