We're gonna need a bigger stable.

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I love horses, like, love them . . . including the skeletal ones. Don't ask, I'll explain it later. I was sitting on my bed in my small-ish apartment, lonely as usual, my back still bandaged from the kerfuffle— I love that word —a few days ago at a campsite. A "wendy" essentially threatened to turn me into a human filet, which wouldn't have been very good for my health. I sat on my uncomfortably firm mattress, the setting sun's light coming through cracks in my blinds like blades of light. My phone buzzed every so often, I had been texting back and forth with my friend Ava for a little while, telling her about my day when she said
I gtg go to bed, cya tomorrow, Jac.🐴
That was weird, because she rarely goes to bed this early but I shrugged it off, she probably had a long day at work today. I decided I should probably try to get some sleep soon, I had to get up early to go to the gym tomorrow. I set down my phone on my bedside table after setting my alarm and closed my eyes, surprisingly, I fell right asleep.
Crack, crack, crack. I woke up to the sound of knuckle cracking and knocking mixed into one. I checked my phone and the time read 3:61, yeah, I didn't understand how either, must've been a glitch or something. I wearily sat up in my bed, reaching for the pocket knife on my bedside table just in case when my bedroom door slowly creaked open. What I saw next was even more terrifying than the wendy, it was a horse but just the head and neck. Spindly, oiling black hair clung to its skull, it had no eyes but I could feel it staring at me. It didn't make a noise, the only noise in the room was the repetitive crack, crack, crack-ing of what I assumed was its neck. I turned on my phone flashlight, shining it at its face. It had a bunch of cracks and scratches lining its boney face. "W-what the hell are you—" I managed out, although I don't know how. The horse thing's neck extended forward towards me, like it was examining me. I suddenly remembered a story my mom had told me about a similar bone horse, she called it "Longhorse". I backed stood and backed up into wall, keeping my phone's flashlight on its face. What had my mom said about the "Longhorse"? She said it appeared before something bad happened, like a prophet. "Longhorse...?" It slowly nodded in agreement, its neck cracking as it did so. Then, suddenly, the worst thing happened, my phone died. The flashlight shut off, it was dark, I couldn't see my own hand in front of my face. I scrambled for the flashlight I kept on my bedside table, I clicked it on, and Longhorse was gone. "I— what the—" I simply clicked the flashlight off and passed out in my bed, hoping that it was all a dream or a hallucination, maybe I was dying of blood loss. I had fallen asleep so quickly that I didn't question what the tapping was on my window.

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