Fan Service! (Q&A with Class 1B!)

Start from the beginning

Class 1-B sat and sulk in a puddle of silence. Out of all the things they expected they would be taught in a hero course by a real pro hero in the field, the last thing they expected was how to be a celebrity.

Kendo: D- Did you say media service? As in like, social media?

TetsuTetsu: Like Instagram models???? 

Monoma: Completely different TetsuTetsu, completely different...

Mt. Lady: What else would I be talking about!? You, the girl with the orange hair! You look especially gorgeous! I can tell with your looks alone that you're gonna ace this without breaking a sweat! And try not to frown out there, it might riddle your beautiful face with creases! 

Kendo sighed in a tiny mix of flattery with a heaping pile of disappointment.

Shishida: Media service, huh? I guess she's not wrong. Like it or not, there has always been a celebrity side to being a pro hero I suppose.

Mt. Lady: You betcher butt there is, Primate! And not many people embrace that! 

Shishida: D- Did she just refer to me as a "primate?"

Fukidashi: I think so dude. What does that word mean anyways?

Yanagi: *sigh*

Mt. Lady: I can tell just by your looks alone you'll all be stars! The public is gonna love you! So, any questions before I go over the plan for today?

Kuroiro: Idolatry. Fumikage spoke the truth.

Shoda: I don't think it's to that extent Kuroiro...

Tokage: Okay... So regarding today's lesson about "Media 101", what exactly is our task?

Mt. Lady: I'm glad you asked, beautiful! Today, we will be conducting fake interviews!

Rin: Uhm, fake interviews?

Tokage to herself: Did she just call me beautiful?

Mt. Lady: You heard me correctly dragon boy, "fake interviews!" I'll be teaching all of you to behave like savvy and hip heroes!

Class 1-B to themselves: Okay... there's gotta be a lesson in here somewhere. Right?


Mt. Lady: That's the spirit girl! We'll be heading outside momentarily! We're going to be doing a bit of roleplay! I'll be the interviewer and you all are going to be the Pro Heroes who just got off of a big mission! I'll be asking you a series of questions and your job is to answer them as best as you can! Get changed up into your hero outfits and meet me outside kiddos!

Class 1-B to themselves: "Maybe not..."

━━━━━━━━━━Timeskip to the Boys changing rooms.━━━━━━━━━━━━━

The Boys were getting changed into their hero costumes to meet Mt. Lady outside for "media training" to which the boys of Class 1-B seemed less than thrilled.

Tetsutetsu: You want my opinion? This is stupid! I wanna punch things and fight bad guys! Not be some stupid, famous social media star! I DIDN'T SIGN UP FOR THIS!!!

Awase: Tetsutetsu, you don't have to scream man. I'm right next to you. 

Honenuki: While Tetsutetsu usually runs on a "one-track mind", I can't help but agree with him here. I'd rather be honing the moves I'm currently working on or brainstorming new ones. Hell, I'd even take a Three-hour lecture on hero economics over this.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2023 ⏰

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