Ladies Night

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The bell rang and the Students of Class 1B packed up their things, Sensei Vlad had an announcement.

Vlad King: I have some urgent business to attend to tomorrow and can't find someone to cover for me, so class is canceled tomorrow. We will continue where we left off on Monday. Thank you all and enjoy your extended weekend.

Class 1B: Yes sir!

The ladies of Class 1B all walked out of the room in excitement. Everyone had been training and working so hard. It was finally time for a nice weekend off.

Tokage: You hear that guys, we got a day off tomorrow! How exciting!

Kendo: I'd figure he'd throw us a break since we've been so busy with quirk training.

Shiozaki: How delightful indeed!

Yanagii: We should all do something!

Kodai: Yeah.

Pony: That would be fun! What do you all have in mind?

Tokage: I agree. You all wanna have a sleepover at my house tomorrow night? My parents aren't gonna be home this weekend since they have a business trip and they trust me with the house, so I doubt they'd mind me having a few friends over.

Komori: That'd be fun!

Kendo: Sure, that'd be pretty fun.

Kodai: Yeah.

Tokage: We could watch movies, paint our nails, braid each other's hair!

(I don't know what girls do at sleepovers nor do I care, sue me)

Shiozaki: Sounds like a delightful time! Shall I bring some snacks?

Tokage: Sure, that'd be awesome!

Komori: I'll bring some movies!

Yanagii: So uh, guys.

Tokage: Yeah?

Yanagii has her hand on the back of her neck looking down.

Yanagii: So, I've never actually been to a sleepover before.

Kendo: You've never been to a sleepover before?!

Yanagi: Nope.

Pony: That's okay Yagani, we'll make your first one the best one!

Tokage: Yeah what Pony said, you're gonna have a great time dude. It's just us girls hanging out all night.

Yanagi: Alright.

Komori: I'm so excited, I can't wait!

Tokage: I'll put my address in the group chat. I've got extra pillows and blankets but if you prefer to bring your own, feel free!

Kodai: What time should we arrive?

Tokage: Around Three good for everyone?

Kendo: I'm fine with whenever

Kodai: Yeah

Komori: Sounds good to me!

Tokage: All righty, see all you ladies tomorrow night!

Tokage put her address in the 1B laddie's group chat. The laddies each headed home. Later that night, Tokage's parents approved of the sleepover and so did all the other girl's parents.


Kendo and Yagani meet up and began to walk to Tokage's house. Kendo and Yagani had their own sleeping bags and blankets.

(MHA) Class 1B: The Adventures!Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu