Fan Service! (Q&A with Class 1B!)

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The school bell rang, signifying another day of learning on top of a forested hill that overlooks Musutafua, Japan. To be more specific, another day of learning at the prestigious institute known U.A. High School. The number one heroics institute in all of Japan. It's an academy that boasts only the best of the best. And produces the best of the best as well. Including the Symbol of peace himself, All Might. Hero course Class 1-B (forever second to the well-known Class 1-A) had just taken their seats for their heroics class. Their sensei, Pro hero Vlad King, whose quirk was called Blood Control. It allowed him freely manipulate the blood from his body using his support glove. Sensei Vlad had just entered the classroom with papers in hand. At the sight of Vlad king entering their homeroom, Class 1-B quickly darted to their assigned seats. Eagerly and quietly.

Vlad: Good morning Students.

Class 1-B: Good morning Sensei!

Vlad: Let's jump right into it. Today's class is going to be a little different. By different, I mean very different from the usual lectures, note-taking, and combat training. As most of you know here at U.A. high school,  we don't just teach you how to battle villains, think critically, and train your quirks to become stronger. We strive to teach you about all avenues of this career. To the few that didn't know, there's much, much more to this job than simply rescuing civilians and battling villains. So with that being said, today we will have a special guest Instructor who will be leading the class for today's special lesson.

Class 1-B was surprised and confused. They began to ponder who the special guest could possibly be. What special lessons would they be learning? Who better than their very own and beloved Sensei would teach them how to become great pro heroes just like those who they admired when they were young? Just then, there was a knock at their homeroom door. Sensei Vlad issued the guest instructor to come in. The gigantic door slid open and morning sun rays immediately poured into the classroom, followed by their special guest instructor. The students immediately recognized the hero's costume and silhouette. To their surprise and excitement, Pro Hero. Mt. Lady stepped into their classroom with papers in hand and lust terminating from her eyes.

Bondo: Woah, is that Mt. Lady?!

Tsunotori: Yes it is! Oh my gosh, I love her!

Tokage: Her makeup is always so spot on! I gotta ask her what palette she uses.

Rin: What do you think Mt. Lady will be teaching us about?

Monoma: No idea. As long as it helps us pull ahead of those losers known as Class A.

Mt. Lady bathed in all the glory and affection the young heroes in training showered her in. She couldn't lie to herself, she enjoyed it very much. Mt. Lady Walked up to the podium at the very front of the classroom where Vlad Sensei usually was. She thanked him for the opportunity and thanked the students for the momentous introduction. She placed down her papers at the podium and began to speak.

Mt. Lady: Heya Kiddos! Thanks so much for the introduction! Not gonna lie, I tend to garner that kind of reaction whenever I go hehehe! For those of you who unfortunately don't know, I'm Mt. Lady! A new and beautiful pro hero! I'm sure you've heard of me from the countless interviews, media appearances, and rescues I've done and been a part of! 

Kaibara to himself: I can tell she enjoys the attention, huh.

Mt. Lady: Anyways! Like your teach said, today's lesson is gonna be a little different than the regular hero course material you're used to receiving! Now I'm sure most of you are aware that being a Pro is just as much publicity and fan service as much as it is rescuing civilians and fighting bad guys! While being society's guardians, we're also celebrities! The general public sees us in interviews and commercials! They make products around us such as toys or food items! And they swarm us like cultures when they catch us in public! You get the idea. So with that being said, today's lesson is Media 101, aka fan service! And it'll be taught by me, an extremely gorgeous and talented pro hero! Today students, I'll be introducing you to the fame and publicity that comes with being a pro hero!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2023 ⏰

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