Chapter 27 Forbearance

Start from the beginning

But at this moment, on the side of the silent street, where the green-grey street and the indigo-sky curtain meet dimly, someone staggered on the sidewalk under the lantern shade, and the wet and cold dew in the early morning wet the soft broken hair on his forehead.

His eyes trembled slightly, and his eyes widened subconsciously.

The people under the street lamps raised their heads as if feeling something, their pale and delicate features, and the dark eyes filled with sad rain.

He raised his head and looked at the cloudy sky above his head. The expression on his face was a loss of grief, as if he would disappear into the misty and quiet winter night with the wind blowing by his side in the next second.

Lin Jinyang was stunned.

In the blank mind, a nerve was tightly tightened until it broke.

He slammed for the door like mad, running down the stairs all the way.

"Lu Qingzhu!" He called out the other party's name, his voice slightly hoarse, as if he wanted to recall something that would eventually be lost, so frightened, so powerless.

The person standing under the street lamp turned back when he heard the sound, his dark eyes were filled with surprise and trance, and his pale face was full of nakedness and sadness that could not be concealed.

Lin Jinyang walked over and hugged him suddenly.

Penetrating through the dark night and rushing into the light, he held the person in front of him into his arms as if he was grasping a wisp of fog that was about to dissipate in the cold winter, with careful gentleness in the strength he tried to restrain.

"Lin Jinyang?" Not knowing why the other party looked so eager, Lu Qingzhu subconsciously opened his arms and let the other party hold him tightly in his arms, the tide-white light softened the unruly sharpness of the man's facial features.

"Lu Qingzhu, what are you doing here if you don't come home so late?" With a harsh tone, the man hugged him and panted slightly. The strength of his arms was like a bunch of fragile and fragile flowers. The gentleness that can't bear to be criticized, the familiar warmth slowly surrounds him from behind, and the numbness of the limbs from the cold senses the warmth.

"Can't you feel how cold it is outside?!" Lin Jinyang hurriedly took off his coat and wrapped him, with a burning and gentle expression in his dark eyes, "What if you wear so little, what if you get sick! "

For no reason, he suddenly cried.

This heart, which was aching from the bitterness of the cold winter, seemed to be immersed in warm water filled with steam at this moment. He wanted to cry for no reason.

So he stretched out his hand, the back of his pale hand was covered with bruises, and he was still tentatively grasping the corner of the other person's clothes with his aching fingers.

"Lu Qingzhu?" Lin Jinyang, who noticed something was wrong, lowered his head, and his free eyes trembled when he saw the bruised and mottled bruises on the back of his hand.

"Lin Jinyang, I don't want to go back." The person in his arms whispered, his slightly hoarse voice seemed to be trying to hold back something, cold tears smeared wet tears on the pale cheeks.

I never want to go back to that terrifying and icy place like a cage.

I know it's despicable to seek your sympathy with such a pitiful appearance, but when I escaped from that house, the only person I thought of was you.

So... just this time, okay...

Just this time, please don't push me away.


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