After Luke pulled away, he grabbed Jaylee's hand and led them to English. The late bell rang and Mrs. James walked in, starting the lesson. She was telling the students about Macbeth. Jaylee loved Shakespeare, but Mrs. James' monotone voice was enough to make her drowsy. After an hour of listening to Mrs. James dragging story about how she went to a production at some theater, the bell finally rang, and Jaylee walked to French. Her teacher, Miss. Robertson, changed their seats, and of course, Jaylee was sat by the one and only once again. 


He didn't look too happy, and at first, Jaylee thought it was because she was sitting beside him, but then she slowly realized it was because Miley was sitting beside him also. Not to mention Miley's new boyfriend sat behind her. Luke wasn't happy at all. He didn't mind sitting beside Jaylee, even though she kind of hated him right now, but having to listen to Miley and Collin flirt the whole period was enough to do him in. He already loathed Collin for what he did to Luke, but now he hated him even more for taking his girl. Luke shook his head and focused on Mrs. Robertson who was lecturing about irregular verbs and their endings. Jaylee could tell he was nervous about sitting beside Miley by the way he kept playing with the hem of his shirt. 

The class did a worksheet, and then they all left for lunch. Jaylee sat beside Luke at his lunch table, and Miley sat with Collin at Luke and Jaylee's table. Jaylee was furious. Miley knew exactly what she was doing, and Jaylee had the urge to grab her by her stringy hair and throw her out, but she kept her sanity for Luke's sake. Miley knew she made Luke nervous, and he let her do it to him, which Jaylee thought was stupid as hell. Luke knew what Miley was doing too, he just hid what he felt better than Jaylee. She glanced over at him in order to keep from doing something to Miley and saw him staring at his hands. Jaylee reached over, intertwined their hands, and squeezed his. Luke looked up at her and his eyes sent her a silent thank you. She smiled at him, and Luke was no longer nervous. He was thankful that Jaylee knew exactly how to make him feel better. 

"So," Miley started, glancing between Luke and Jaylee, "When did you and Jayla start dating?" 

Miley knew Jaylee's name, but she always said it wrong to piss Jaylee off. She hated Miley. She wouldn't care if someone spilled spaghetti on her two-hundred dollar shirt right then. Jaylee would definitely volunteer as tribute if she didn't think Miley would sue her for it. 

"It's Jaylee." She muttered through gritted teeth, and Luke gripped her hand. 

"Right after I dated you, Miley. Why? Jealous?" Miley snickered, and Collin did as well. That really ticked Jaylee off, and she almost ripped their heads off, but Luke started to rub circles into her hand with his thumb, and she immediately calmed down. 

"Me? Jealous? Oh, Luke. You know me better than that." Miley flipped her hair over her shoulder. "You must have been really desperate to date someone that low in class." 

Jaylee's blood boiled. She might not have the most expensive stuff or a million dollar mansion, but she had class. Luke saw how angry Jaylee had become, and he honestly couldn't blame her. He was mad at Miley for that comment too. Jaylee wasn't rich, but she wasn't poor either. Luke knew even if she was a heartbreaker and they hated each other, Jaylee had the biggest heart-- something Miley could never have. 

"Or maybe I found someone way better than you. Don't talk about Jaylee. She has more class than you will ever have." Luke defended her before he stood up and grabbed Jaylee's hand. "Come on, babe. Let's go." 

The two walked out of the cafeteria, and Jaylee smiled to herself. Luke never defended her, let alone compliment her. Her heart kind of warmed at everything he said about her. Luke, on the other hand, didn't look too happy. He was ticked off because of Miley and Collin even being a thing, and he was also mad that Miley would talk about Jaylee when she was the one dating a different guy every week. That didn't mean he stopped wanting Miley, though. 

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