The Aftermath

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Several hours later the room had started to clear out but Draco, Ron and Hermione still waited with the teachers as the boy who lived slept without moving. Ron had been found earlier in the evening bound on the front lawn but otherwise uninjured. He had managed to take down six Deatheaters before one had finally got him with his back turned, only binding him in their haste to attack Professor Lupin across the field. Madam Pomfrey was making her way around the room healing the minor injuries they had sustained now that the major wounds and hexes were taken care of. Everyone was exhausted and Hermione found herself drifting against Draco’s shoulder against her will as she waited for her best friend to wake up. She jerked awake when she felt Draco flinch but found the nurse straightening and healing the crushed bones in his fingers. He didn’t make a sound but gritted his teeth as she gently tugged the bones straight. After that she cleaned the cuts on his face and arms from the glass at the café and the shackles with a dark expression on her face. When she was finished he let out a quick breath before she bound his hand and gave him a potion to drink.

“Look!” Ron exclaimed, pointing to the bed. Harry groaned and moved his head towards him. After several pregnant seconds he opened his dull green eyes and groaned again. Madam Pomfrey sat gently on the edge of the bed as Professor Dumbledore leaned over the end of the couch near his head.

“How do you feel, young man?” The elderly man asked with a twinkle in his eyes.

“Like I crashed my broom into the Whomping Willow, sir.” Harry swallowed heavily and tried unsuccessfully to lift his hand from the couch. His voice was strained and hoarse but he gave them a small smile. Madam Pomfrey checked him over quickly and found no apparent injuries other than sore muscles and a bad headache which she happily gave him a potion to eliminate. His skin was still hot to touch as though a furnace had run overtime for a long time and had difficulties cooling off. His eyes were strangely dark but clear. He was offered water for his parched throat which he eagerly sipped, still unable to sit up or move without bursts of pain. After a few moments Harry started to drift back to sleep, still completely exhausted.

“I think that some of us should take his example and find somewhere to lie down as well.” Professor Dumbledore looked meaningfully at the teenagers. Draco nodded and suddenly remembered that he was sort of the host as it was still his home.

“There are three spare bedrooms on either wing off the stairs. Mine is the last room in the west wing and Marsali’s is the last on the east wing. All will be made up. Mother and Father’s bedroom is at the top of the stairs but I don’t want anyone using that one yet. All the couches pull out into beds and should be made up. Please, make yourselves at home.” With that he stood and led Ron and Ginny to one of the spare rooms that had two single beds. He turned to Hermione as fear of being alone after spending so many hours in the dungeon overrode his exhaustion. “Do you want to talk in my room for a bit before we go to bed?”

Hermione detected the well hid emotion behind the simple request and nodded with a tired smile. He smiled back with a twinkle in his eye; “I promise to behave.”

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