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Friday came and went in the buzz of classes and catching up on the mountains of homework for Draco. He was happy when the final class was done to get to the library for a bit of catching up before dinner. He was irritated when he was interrupted a half hour later when fellow Slytherin Pansy came rushing into the library.

"Draco, your father is here and he is pissed. He wants you to meet him immediately in the hall at the entrance to the Headmaster's office." Draco sighed knowing this had been coming but dreading it all the same. His thoughts wandered as he shrunk all his books and stuffed them into his bag. He had not told his father about the Forest for several reasons. First off he had failed in bringing the plant he had wanted and for another he knew that his father would be angry that he had gotten injured on school property. He remembered his third year when he had been attacked in Care of Magical Creatures class by a Hippogriff due to his own stubborn stupidity. His dad had tried to have the beast killed but it had escaped right under the executioner's nose. Draco walked quickly to the Headmaster's office and met up with his angry father in the corridor along the way. The older man's face was flushed with anger, his eyes icy cold and Draco had to hurry to keep up with him.

"Put this in your pocket and don't say anything." Lucius shoved a piece of parchment at him as they stalked up the stairs and into the room were Dumbledore was waiting behind his desk.

"Ah, Lucius, how nice to see you again." Dumbledore gestured to the chairs facing his desk, which Draco thankfully sank into.

"Cut the bullshit, old man." Lucius spat out wasting no time. "I want this menace Potter out of this school at once. It was him that wrote the letter that sent Draco into the Forest where he was hurt. I want him expelled immediately. Draco, hand him the letter."

Draco's eyes narrowed in suspicion but he pulled the parchment out of his pocket and handed it to his father. Lucius opened it and slammed it on the desk in front of the old headmaster. "You see, he lured my son into the forest where he attacked him! He is a menace to the students and I demand he be expelled at once."

"I don't believe this is enough evidence that Harry had anything to do with Draco's being in the woods. For one thing, why was it Harry who found him and brought him into the Health Ward if he was the one that wanted to hurt Draco?" Dumbledore was not at all perplexed by the angry man in front of him. He noticed with some satisfaction the surprised look that flashed in his eyes. Obviously he had not known who Draco's rescuers had been.

"You asshole." Draco spoke quietly as the pieces fell into place and he slowly stood. Lucius shot him a warning glare before continuing his tirade.

"He must have had a flash of conscience or something. I don't know what goes on in his disturbed mind. If he is not removed I will be withdrawing Draco and my support of the school."

Draco continued to speak, as his father grew louder to drown out his son's voice. "You sent me into the woods. You must be getting desperate for such a stupid plan. You would hurt me to get Potter expelled?"

"SHUT UP!" Lucius turned to glare at Draco before turning to the headmaster waiting for an answer.

"I see no evidence to support what you say. I will not be expelling Harry but Draco is welcome to stay." Dumbledore was kind but Draco could hear an edge in his voice that he had not heard before. Lucius glared at him for a moment before spinning on his heel towards the door.

"Let's go Draco. I will enrol you in Durmstrang for the remainder of your year." Draco stayed where he was before answering in a strong but quiet voice. "No."

Lucius turned back to his son seeing the resolute expression on his face. As quickly as a snake he lashed out a backhand across Draco's cheek causing him to buckle at the waist by the impact. As he reached up to his face he felt an iron grip on his wrist forcing his arm behind his back almost to the breaking point. He felt another hand grasp the back of his neck, digging fingers into the base of his skull. The doors to the office slammed shut as Draco heard Dumbledore from his desk. "Take your hands off that boy."

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