The Date

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The week sped by as Draco made arrangements for his date with Hermione. He found by Friday he started to feel nervous, an emotion which baffled and annoyed him. Finally, the time had come and he dressed carefully in black dress pants, a black priest collared dress shirt and silver buckled belt. He carefully made his way to the stairs to the Gryffindor common room and was not the least bit surprised to find Potter waiting for him. They shook hands tightly with a strained smile but Harry did not move from blocking the steps.

"She'll be out in a minute but I wanted to talk to you first." Harry looked more serious than Draco had ever seen him. "Hermione is like a sister to me and I couldn't stand it if she got hurt. If this has all been some sick way to hurt her, you'll wish we'd lift you in the Forbidden Forest, I don't care the consequences."

The Slytherin nearly smiled at the sentiment but held it tightly in check for fear that it might be misinterpreted. "I have no intention of hurting Hermione. She helped me when I was injured and at the least I owe her a nice night out. I owe you and Ron for coming after me too but I'm afraid I will have to be a bit more creative in repaying you as you're not my type."

They shared a smile and Harry took a few seconds judging his sincerity before nodding and turning up the stairs. At the portrait Harry told Draco to wait as he went inside to see if his friend was ready. Hermione was just coming down the stairs as Harry climbed through. She was wearing a spaghetti strapped, navy dress that clung in the bodice but fell away in a handkerchief hem around her knees. She was wearing a beautiful silver pendant on a chain around her neck and her hair fell straight below her shoulders. Harry did not feel his mouth drop open and was glad Ron had decided to go to the kitchen to avoid this moment. Ginny walked behind Hermione with a sly grin on her face as she saw the reaction to her work.

"Harry, what's wrong? Is it too low cut?" Hermione asked nervously tugging at the neckline. She had allowed Ginny to apply a tiny bit of makeup, which made her look very grown up.

"You look beautiful." Harry finally managed to push past the lump in his throat. Tender, brotherly emotions bubbled inside of him along with the urge to be overly protective and tell her not to go. With some hesitation he turned and helped her through the doorway and watched with satisfaction Draco's jaw drop as the first sight. Hermione blushed at the attention and accepted Draco's assistance in draping a black velvet cape across her bare shoulders before strolling down the stairs arm in arm.

"Did I mention how gorgeous you look tonight?" Draco asked an hour later over a glass of wine in a cozy restaurant in London. They had taken a flying carriage that apparated with them in it as soon as they left Hogwart's grounds. It had arrived at a favourite restaurant of Draco's where he knew his father would not find him as he had had a falling out with the owner several years previously. They had been ushered into a private booth where prying eyes could not see them.

"Only about a dozen times but thank you again." The Gryffindor sipped her wine before taking another dainty bite of her dinner. They had spent the dinner in nearly constant conversation from everything from school to future aspirations to favourite colours. They realized quickly that although they had completely different childhoods, they had a great deal in common. "Can I ask you something personal?"

Draco set down his wine with a twinge of nervousness rush through him. There were many things he was not ready to talk to her about yet the foremost of which was his dysfunctional family. "You can ask but we'll see about an answer though."

Hermione nodded in agreement, understanding his need for privacy and remembering that it was their first date. "What happened this summer that changed you so much? Six months ago you would not have been caught dead with me, Harry or Ron. What changed?"

"My grandmother passed away this summer after I spent a month at her house. She never liked my father and tried to teach me that what my father was doing was wrong. My father found out about some of the spells she was teaching me and got really angry. I've never seen anyone stand up to him before and it made me realize that if an old woman can do it without fear, so can I. She loved me very much and I want to make her proud." Draco took a gulp of wine after he finished; surprised he had been so frank with his date. Hermione reached across the table and set a warm hand on his own.

"Would you like to dance?" Draco changed the subject quickly, a gleam in his eye.

"I don't know how to dance like that." Hermione gestured to the couples on the dance floor twirling and stepping in perfect harmony.

"I'll teach you." He stood and bowed, offering his hand to her. Hermione giggled and accepted it with only a little trepidation. Soon they were whirling around the dance floor as the other couples with grace that thrilled Hermione. She stared into his crystal eyes seeing warmth she had not known existed. The song stopped leaving them still locked together in each other's arms and Hermione tilted her face somewhat expectantly. For a second Draco's head started to lower before another song came on, breaking the moment. He smiled and led her back to the table where their dessert was waiting.

The evening ended all too soon and Draco walked his date to the foot of the moving stairs. She turned to him and he gazed into her beautiful eyes trying to keep his composure. Finally, he gently kissed her cheek before breaking away. She climbed the stairs glancing back as he watched her until she was safely inside before turning back to his apartment for a cold shower.

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