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October grew cold unusually fast. The Friday of the second week was the first Quidditch game of the year featuring Gryffindor and Slytherin would dawn to be a chilly day. Harry and Ron followed their pre-game routines with Ron eating enough for ten and Harry barely able to swallow more than a few mouthfuls. Ron was more nervous than usual as this was his first game as Gryffindor captain. He drilled the team throughout breakfast on all the new plays he had been teaching them in the three practices a week. Harry was relieved when it was finally time to go to class for a break from his best friend's nervous ramblings. Double potions were the only class of the day and Harry put all his energy into the class. He had realized during his fifth year OWL tests that if he didn’t worry about Professor Snape and followed the directions he was quite capable of producing passing potions. He did his best to block out the obnoxious teacher and with Hermione as his partner as Ron had not got a high enough mark to continue, he was doing well.

“Good luck Mr. Malfoy and Mr. Potter on the game this afternoon.” Professor Snape sneered after he had finally dismissed them. He raised a black eyebrow almost into his greasy black hair as he smiled thinly at his Slytherin seeker. “I trust this will be an interesting game.”

Draco nodded and left the class without a glance at Harry. Hermione elbowed Harry as they followed him to the great hall. Draco was walking alone in the corridor and ignored Pansy as she tried to talk to him. She gave up with a lust-filled sigh before turning away to easier prey. Harry shrugged at Hermione with too many things in his mind to worry about an arch rivals personal problems.

“Oh good, you are all here. I just wanted to go over the plays one more time before we head out to the change rooms.” Ron started as soon as lunch was over and all the Gryffindor’s were getting ready to leave. Harry caught the rolling of eyes and quickly put his arm around Ron’s shoulders and started walking him to the dressing room.

“We’ve got it captain. We know exactly what to do and when to do it.” Harry said loudly enough for his team mates to hear. To Ron he spoke much more quietly; “Relax, you’re doing fine, mate.”

He was relieved when Ron took a deep breath and nodded as he allowed himself to be led away. The stadium was packed as the team stepped onto the field to face their arch rivals. Within moments they were in the air and whizzing around the field. Harry stayed above the others searching for the elusive snitch but it had disappeared for the moment. He kept Draco in the corner of his eye in case he spotted it first. The first goal was scored for Gryffindor by Ginny Weasley. The next was scored by a Slytherin chaser but was followed up by another quick goal by Gryffindor. The stands were constantly cheering at the fast pace and body contact of the teams. Within the half hour Gryffindor was up by fifty points when Harry first caught a glimpse of the snitch. It was near the ground in the Slytherin side of the field. He bolted after it at the same time Draco saw it. The pair raced towards the tiny golden ball as it zigzagged across the ground. Harry was five feet from it when it veered towards the sky with the Gryffindor seeker close behind. He caught a glance of Draco coming swiftly towards them at an angle to cut it off and redoubled his efforts. Suddenly, a burst of coloured lights blocked his vision as pain exploded in the side of his head. He felt his hands lose their grip on his broom and then felt himself floating before something grabbed him hard across the chest and he blacked out.

Ginny Weasley saw the bludger hit Harry in the side of the head and burst across the field as she saw him falling from his broom. She managed to catch him, ignoring the blood that had started to stream from a cut from the hard ball and carefully lowered him the ten feet to the ground. He was unconscious as professors and Hermione ran onto the field. She stepped back for a moment to catch her breath as Madam Houch was holding a clean handkerchief to the wound. She heard the announcer over the din of the crowd. “Harry Potter has gone down with a bludger to the head! Nice catch by Ginny Weasley! But look at this! Draco Malfoy has caught the snitch and what a catch! Slytherin wins!!!”

Ginny sighed with disappointment as Ron swooped up next to her and dropped to his feet. “Is he alright?” He tried to see through the press of bodies as Professor McGonagall levitated him and the professors carried him into the castle.

“I think he is. He has a nasty cut on the side of the head and blacked out as I caught him but I’m sure Madam Pomfrey will have him up and about in no time.” Ginny tried to sound reassuring as she gave her brother a quick hug before they followed the group up to the infirmary ignoring the celebrating Slytherins across the field.

Harry was conscious by the time they entered the infirmary and Madam Pomfrey was busy cleaning the wound before she would stitch it. Hermione was sitting on the side of the bed holding his hand and trying to keep his attention occupied.

“Nice try, mate. You would have had it for sure if that bludger hadn’t caught you.” Ron smiled feebly belying his disappointment at their first loss of the year. Harry tried to smile back but winced when the first stitch was started in his scalp.

“I’m so sorry Ron. I didn’t even see the bludger. We lost then, huh?” Harry mirrored his friend’s disappointment, which was quickly squelched by Hermione and Ginny.

“It’s just a stupid game! You are alright and that is much more important than winning a dumb game, even if it is Slytherin.” Hermione exclaimed logically exasperated by the boy’s silly competitive streak. Ron nodded and Harry acknowledged her point but both let out identical sighs which sent the girls into giggles. Within a quarter of an hour they were out of the health wing and headed back to their dorms to change before supper. Turning the corner they nearly ran head on into Draco followed by a dozen or so celebrating Slytherins.

“Nice game, Potter, Weasley.” Draco nodded at the three players in turn taking in the blood that was still caked in Harry’s hair and down the side of his neck. “If that bludger hadn’t caught you I’m sure the game would have turned out differently.” The four Gryffindor’s stood aside in gaping shock as Draco continued down the hall with the other Slytherins glaring over their shoulders.

“Nice game? What on earth has happened to him? He didn’t even gloat!!” Ron marvelled as they continued to their dorms with the others nodding in wonderment. Harry was glad to get out of his blood and sweat stained clothes and into the shower. He watched the blood from his head go down the drain with a sigh. The game had left him tired and a terrible headache but Draco’s reaction had confused him even more. Ron knocked on the door asking him to hurry or they were going to miss dinner and Harry complied with a sigh. The Great Hall was full and buzz with chatter from the game. Several Slytherins tried to poke fun at the Gryffindor’s who ignored the set ups knowing they would be hearing about the win for several days at least. Harry picked at his food while Ron downed it hungrily much to Hermione’s disgust. Dinner was quiet affair and the evening for Harry was short as he went to bed as soon as they were done. Within moments he was asleep.

Harry Potter and the Rise of the Slytherin PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now