[44]"I thought they were gone?"

Start from the beginning

Everyone calmed down for a second but Steve's face was still red from anger with tears making small paths down his cheeks.
Clint paused for a moment to make sure everyone had stopped before speaking, "ok Tony do you have somewhere we can display all this information?"
Slowly he walked to the other side of the room and set up a giant hologram, "so we need two sides to this. The recent information and past information. We'll start with what I know and then Bucky you're going to need to help with most of the old".

Bucky nodded hesitantly before Tony told them everything he knew as he was putting the information up. "So these people all gather at one house at this location", he pointed to the screen. "It's under the name Petrov but the team don't know which one of them he is".

"Why were they let go?" Bucky interrupted.
"They weren't prosecuted because they were such a low level the courts assumed they'd been forced to join and were let go on the condition they couldn't move away without telling us".
Clint was confused, "so why now are you worried about them?"
"Because they've never met up in a group like this since their arrest and we have no idea who Petrov is. Other than that we have no indication they're Hydra".

"So why aren't we looking for y/n there?!"
"Nat said nothing has changed at the house, they're waiting before they come back home just to be certain but she isn't there. That's all I know about these people it's your turn Buckaroo".

Bucky hated talking about his time at Hydra so he was not looking forward to this but he wouldn't think twice about it if it helped find you.
"Well I wasn't kept here but I heard  about a base on the North side. It was small because it's a high risk area so it wasn't used often. Umm they would move me around a lot and they always had at least four guards watching me".

He kept reeling off any information he could think of as Tony wrote it all down and searched further into certain things. He was really struggling as he relived the worst moments of his life and, although his trigger words hadn't worked for nearly 15 years now it still worried him when he thought about it.

At some point he didn't think he could say any more, his mind was fuzzy as it tried to block the memories from coming back up.
"Come here" whispered Steve. He was sat in a desk chair and pulled the other to sit on his lap.
Bucky leant his head back on the blondes shoulder and took deep breaths, feeling faint kisses placed on his cheek and a reassuring hand rubbing against his chest. Eventually he managed to stutter out more information.

Bruce and the kids were still working on other security cameras. "We know they didn't go through option 1" said Lila, "just 87 more to go" she sighed.

Hours later everyone was still doing the same things, either looking through footage or trying to connect dots between the information they had.
Lila and cooper had fallen asleep a few minutes ago but would probably wake up any minute as they had before but no one else had closed their eyes for more than 30 seconds.

"It's been 24 hours" Sarah whispered worryingly to Bruce.
He just looked at her sadly, "I know but these are special circumstances so I don't think we can judge it by the normal timeframes of kidnapping. So don't worry, we will focus on this and find the car. Peter can you grab that box up there please?" He pointed to the top of a shelf and Peter nodded.

His muscles were really hurting but he knew someone would make him take a break and he absolutely would not stop until you were found.
The shelf was so high he had to climb up the first part before he could reach the box. He tentatively reached up towards it, ignoring the horrible sensations in his shoulders and grabbed either side.

Normally it would have been easy to grip it and carry it down but this time he could barely drag it closer let alone pick it up.
With a quick motion he dragged it off and placed it on the shelf below. His arms screaming at him to stop but he did it again. Now standing on the floor the box was near his head. He raised his arms one last time before it fell over the edge. His arms couldn't hold it any more and his legs couldn't handle the weight so he, along with it, all fell to the floor.

Everyone looked up and Bucky rushed over to help him. "Hey bud are you ok? What happened?" He was confused because the boy could've easily picked this up.
Then Bruce came over and inspected Peter. "Are your arms hurting?"
"No, I'm fine"
"No I think you've pulled muscles everywhere I'm going to go and get something to help the pain". So whilst Bucky helped clean up the mess and make sure Peter was ok, Bruce ran up to his lab.

He was looking for a specific serum he had made that helps speedily repair muscles, with all the missions the team usually needed it.
Finding it in a cupboard, he picked it up and went to walk away when he saw a machine at the back flashing.
That's odd, he thought, this hadn't been used in a long time who could have turned it on.
He was going to turn it off when he saw the screen and whispered to himself, "scan complete. What scan?"

Pressing some more buttons to investigates further he was so shocked at what popped up he had to read it out loud to make sure, "Wanda Maximoff and Sarah walker. Close relation. Probably Aunt and Niece.... No way".

He suddenly realised Peter needed the medicine so he shut off the machine so no one else could see it and ran back down.
"Hey Pete this should help with your muscles, and they're going to be healing quickly so I've got some painkiller for you to".
He couldn't get the medicine quick enough and finally let the pained tension from his shoulders drop as it began to work.

A few more hours later and everyone was incredibly stressed. It was nearing midnight and none of them had eaten more than a few bites of food or had a few minutes sleep in over thirty hours and it was starting to take its toll.

Steve was on the verge of a break down and he wasn't sure if it was going to end in a panic attack or killing Tony, who was dealing with this by being extra sarcastic and annoying.
Bucky was trying to help but he had never been at the base you were probably being kept in so was trying to narrow down the large area. "It's small and on the North. It can't be in these really built up areas because there's too many people, it's risky so it has to be in this half", he said drawing a giant circle over a lot of land mass.

"Oh really?" Answered Tony, "that's so helpful I'm sure we'll find her now!"
Bucky looked broken and just as Tony finished his sentence Steve lunged at him again and they both fell to the floor.
The table fell over and clattered on the hard ground whilst Tony instantly fought back, sending a punch straight at the blondes face echoing around the room. He didn't seem to be fazed though as he pinned Tony to the floor and put his hands around his neck.

Everyone including Bruce ran over to drag the man off but he wouldn't budge. He was still holding the other down with tears in his eyes, it was like he didn't even realise he was doing it.

"Stevie. Hey look at me". Bucky had given up trying to pull him off and was trying to calm him down instead. He whispered and gently placed a hand on his cheek, encouraging him to make eye contact.
"Look at me Stevie". He praised him when he finally looked up, "good job now take a deep breath and gently put your hands in mine".
Slowly, the hands around Tony were relaxed allowing him to take a gulp of air and his face eventually returned to a normal colour.

Bucky held Steve's hands until he started looking around and realised he attacked Tony. Turns out Steve didn't have a panic attack but did try to kill the annoying, sarcastic man.
The tension started fading away until FRIDAY interrupted.

"Mr stark, Miss y/n is standing at the front gate".

Steve and Bucky's daughter y/nWhere stories live. Discover now