The Siren Song

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"Yeah. Hey, listen, right? She's not a doxy. And my sister is not a demon wench!"

"I didn't mean just tell him off. Thanks anyway. Sera, stay strong yeah, just pretend you're on the TARDIS." That also didn't help, she drowned in there last week.

"If this is just because I'm a captain too, you know, you shouldn't feel threatened. Your ship is much bigger than mine. And I don't have the cool boots. Or a hat, even. And I'm not even that captain, that's my wife's job and you're currently holding her."

"Time to go." He shouted, shaking her and making her cry out. Oh, I needed to play for time...

"A bit more laughter, guys?" And then I thought of something. "Where are the rest of the crew? This is a big ship. Big for five of you. I suppose the rest of them are hiding some place, and they're going to jump out and shout boo."

"Boo!" And then Amelia appeared in a pirate coat and a tricorn hat. I so needed one of those, they were cool! Oh, and she had a cutlass. "Throw the gun down and let my sister walk over to me." He did as she said, and then Amy kicked it away, linking arms with her sister as she was shaking. I did not think this through. "The rest of you, on your knees."

"Amy, what are you doing?" I heard her ask, her eyes still closed. Her eyes were her power, she was blind in every sense of the word.

"Saving your husbands life. Okay with that, are you?" Even Sera had to crack a smile a that. "Thought you would be."

Captain Avery was looking at her in fear. "Put down the sword. A sword could kill us all, girl." What? No more than his gun could have, and that was long range, not like her sword.

"Yeah, thanks. That is actually why I'm pointing it at you. My sister, Seraphina, is not a demon wench by the way, she is just terrified of water." And then she was fighting, the Captain grabbing hold of me as Sera was just left standing there, blindly dodging the men who were moving around her. But the sailors were scared of even getting a small cut off of the sword.

Amy then grabbed a rope, swinging across them and slashing at the sailor holding Rory as she went. And then Sera was pushed over, her head making a loud thwack noise as it hit home. She didn't move, and I tried to fight my way free, while the sailor Amy cut stared at her in horror.

"You have killed me." That did not sound good.

She shook her head, looking quickly at her sister, seeing that her chest was still moving. "No way. It's just a cut. Doctor, she's still breathing. "What kind of rubbish pirates are you?"

"One drop, that's all it takes. One drop of blood and she'll rise out of the ocean. Your sister, she too has the mark." Mark? What? What mark, what was he talking about?

"Come on, I barely even scratched him. What are you all in such a huff about? Sera used to pass out all the time." Sera stirred now, waking up a little. "Sera, Sera, keep your eyes closed, OK?" Then she tried to swing again, but was grabbed and when the cutlass was dropped Rory reached for it, but pulled away, cutting himself.

"Ow! Argh!" Something appeared on his hand and he held it up for me to see, a black spot. I saw Seraphina, rubbing her head that was bleeding slightly, also with a spot on her hand. "Er, Doctor, what's happening to me?"

"She can smell the blood on your skins. She's marked you for death."

Sera pulled herself to her feet, leaning on the mast as she looked in our general direction, eyes tightly shut. "She? My head is pounding, whoever knocked me over is getting slapped."

"A demon, out there in the ocean. Maybe you're related." Oh, he was getting slapped for that one later, possibly by me as well. Well, not slapped, but maybe punched. Twice.

Arcadia's Love (Book TWO)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora