Chapter 35

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It had been ten years since that fateful day when I found myself standing once again at a crossroad of destiny.

Although it had been more than a decade, but it felt more like yesterday when I had given in to Aabir uncle's incessant persuasions and joined SIKSHA.

I remember the first day I accompanied Aabir uncle to his office.  Walking through the cramped working space, I began to envision myself amongst it. I could clearly visualize myself and my future surrounded by all those paperwork that piled up the racks and desks throughout the office.

Initially, it took some time, but gradually, project by project, I began to get the hang of it.

"Our work's in good hands," I could still recall Deepak's parting words of compliment, spoken to Aabir uncle in my presence, as he bade us all a warm farewell.

Slowly and steadily, my life began to settle down in Kolkata. I had a great job where my work was appreciated and valued. I was happy. And content.

But happier times are often accompanied by sad ones. No matter how much anyone tried to deny the fact, it was inevitable. I had to learn it the hard way. Like always.

A couple of years later, Aarti aunty fell sick. She survived a massive stroke but just barely. The immense pressure the incident put on her body rendered her completely bedridden. It took a massive toll on both Ashmita and Aabir uncle.

One night as I was laying in my room, I heard a knock on my door and looked up to watch Aabir uncle entre through the door. I got up immediately since the look on his face hinted that he had something serious on his mind.

"Dhruv", he began in a soft voice, that was so uncharacteristic of him that I was taken aback momentarily. "Beta, there is something I wanted to talk to you about." 

I just nodded. Finding the assurance he was looking for, uncle continued. 

"We have been thinking of Ashu's marriage."

He let the declaration hang in the air for some time and for the information to settle in before proceeding.

"You know the present condition of your aunt. No please-let me complete before you interject. For the past couple of months Aarti have been stressing over Ashu's marriage. It would have been a completely different matter, if she was better, but-" his words trailed off as he began to break down but then quickly regained his composure. "Nevertheless, all this stress is putting her body into a further state of relapse according to her Doctor. If she continued stressing over the matter, her body would not be able to cope up with the accumulating mental pressure which in turn would inadvertently result in another stroke, chances of recovering from which are next to none.

"All words of assurance or comfort from me are falling short when it comes down to our only daughter's marriage. It is Aarti's wish, to see her daughter married, before-" he could not continue further and his shoulders dropped. 

I had no words of consolation to give him. 

"But uncle, what about Ashu? Did you consult with her? What does she say?"

He looked at me. "Stupid girl she is. She would blatantly agree to any of her mother's whims, not even considering the fact that its her life on the line. But yes, we did talk to her. And she agreed."

I just sat silently. All this was too much to take in at once. Aunty's illness. Ashu's marriage. Aunty's probable dem-. I could not even let the word form in my mind let alone give the prospect even a fleeting moment of thought. But Aabir uncle was not done yet.

"But this is where our trouble lies. You know Ashu as well as we do. And that is why I thought I could ask for your help. She is as adamant as her mother. It was a quality that I always admired her for. But when it comes down to her own life, her future, I could not just stand by and watch."

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