🍃25 - Returning the Favor (5)️

Start from the beginning

"What does this rock tower have to do with it?"

Cage turned to make eye contact with Taylor.

"The turning point of our lives. That is what he said."

The God of Death only came to Cage when she was sleeping. Sleep was similar to death. That was why sleep was a path of sorts for the God of Death. However, this time, she had heard her God while she was drinking.

Cage thought that the God of Death was angry at her for drinking too much beer. That was why she had welcomed it. She wanted this god to stop paying attention to her. However, the God of Death had a different message for her.

"'The decision is yours to make. However, don't break it if you want to live a peaceful life.' That's what he said."

She looked toward the rock tower. There was something underneath.

"There is a letter underneath the rock tower. I think they piled this rock tower up for the letter."

She turned back to look at her best friend, Taylor. He had to look up from the wheelchair, so, although he could see the rock tower, he could not see the letter underneath it.

"I don't feel any strange powers surrounding the rock tower."

Although she was not as sensitive as real mages, using divine powers allowed Cage to be pretty sensitive and perceptive toward her surroundings. She would be able to feel if there were any curses or negative energy surrounding an item or a place. She was, after all, a servant of the God of Death.

She was waiting for Taylor's response.

Taylor looked up at the night sky, before slowly turning to look at Cage.

"Destroy it."

Cage immediately punched the rock tower in front of her.

Tang. Tang. Tang.

The rocks on top of the fence all fell down. Taylor just blankly watched it happen.

'Don't break it if I want to live peacefully?'

Taylor had never lived peacefully. He also had no desire to live peacefully. He was going to find a way to get his legs fixed and continue to push forward. And then-

'I will overturn this damned family of mine.'

Taylor reached his hand out and Cage handed him the envelope. Taylor immediately opened the envelope and found that letter was written using magic to prevent people from recognizing the sender's handwriting. Nobles frequently used this item.

Taylor opened the letter without any hesitation. The first two lines of the letter, that were visible through the lamps in the yard, immediately caught his attention.

[The crown prince is in possession of an ancient power. It is called the 'Star of Healing,' and is useless to him. It is a one-time use power that can heal any type of injury.]

[He is looking to trade it for a method to hold the second prince and third prince in check.]

Taylor's hands started to shake.

"What is going on?"

Cage stiffened up after seeing Taylor's expression and his shaking hands. However, she soon relaxed.


It was because Taylor started to laugh. He then handed her the letter.

"it will definitely be a turning point in our lives."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

Cage took the letter from Taylor and started to read. She stopped for a moment after reading about the ancient power and the crown Prince, but then continued to read the rest. She then jerked her head up after reading the bottom part of the letter.

Trash Of The Count's Family BL | Part 1Where stories live. Discover now