Chapter 27: The Truth About The World

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Lilith closed her eyes and opened it "I guess I should start from the beginning. This happened more than 2000 years ago. Back then, I was the Princess of the proud vampire race. Our race were strong but we do have our weakness and that weakness is sun light"

"Oh! It seems that the vampires of old were the vampires I'm used to" Rimuru nodded his head

"I remember that as well back in our old world on earth. The vampires in the movies were weak to sun light and other holy artifacts" Chloe said

"I remember that dimension as well. The humans there have obviously not met any supernatural species but they still managed to get the right details of the old vampire race and used it for their entertainment" Lilith told them

"Wait! You've been to earth before?" Rimuru asked her

"I've been alive for a long time and I did a lot of travel towards many worlds during my long life" Lilith explained to them

"That makes sense. Please continue your story" Rimuru said to her

"So as I was saying, the vampires were strong and we lived in peace at the time, but we discovered the truth of the world which changed everything and sealed our fates" Lilith explained

"What truth might you be referring to?" Chloe asked her.

Rimuru didn't speak because he has already figured out this truth the moment he stepped foot into this world but he needed to hear it from anothers mouth to confirm it for him.

Lilith looked at them deep into their eyes "That this world, no! The entire Multiverse are nothing but a story that the gods wrote. Those in this lower realm and the middle realms are nothing but characters of a story for the deities amusement"

Not just Chloe, but Kanade and Yoshino who were listening were shocked from this revelation. This was hard for them to take in at once.

"There are exceptions to this and my existence is proof of that. After all, I have trascended their script and stand at the same pinnacle as the High gods. I am no longer bound by their powers and I have become my own person and not just someone else plaything. Though, I am not completely free yet" Lilith told them

Chloe turned to Rimuru "Is this true Rimuru? Are creations just part of a story to the deities?"

"Pretty much. I don't know why you sound so surprised when you are a deity yourself Chloe. Don't you feel that creation from your point of view is no different from the 2D video games that you used to play when you were human? Everything goes according to your will and if you wished it, even the Great Spirits will obey your wish. That is the realm of the deities. They are beings who have trascended everything and controls the world to move however way they want it to. To being like us, creation is no different from 3D video games or stories that humans wrote for their entertainment. If the concept of creation can be described as a book, then the deities are the readers who reads said book. That is the truth of creation made by Veldanava" Rimuru told them

Kanade bowed her heads in thought 'So we are nothing more that a source of entertainment for these Deities. In as much as I don't want to admit it, this is reality. My only hope is to continue to stick to master because he is our only saviour from this crisis'

"Everything his holiness Rimuru said is true" Lilith began "And my people were unfortunate enough to discover this truth. Because of this, a High god was sent to erase us. Maybe it was because the deities were bored, which is why a high god came personally instead of just erasing us with a snap of his fingers. We vampires had no way of resisting the power of the deity and the one who came was a high ranking deity no less. He took pleasure in watching us burn slowly and we had no way to resist. Before long, all the Vampires of then were killed and their souls were erased by that High god"

Everyone took time to digest what Lilith just told them. For people like Kanade, she accepted that even she as strong as she is now will be helpless in front of that kind of power. Chloe could not wait to give this so called deities a piece of her mind when she meets them. Yoshino being one of the youngest in the group with an IQ of over 200 was running scenarios of how the fight might go if she uses all of her powers to the last drop. Rimuru didn't really feel anything particular because to him, the concept of life holds no meaning to a being like him.

"If all the Vampires of then were killed, how did you survive" Rimuru asked her

"I honestly don't understand it myself. I was definitely burnt and killed by that High Deity back then, but before I died, I heard a voice that said to me this exact words 'It is too soon for a good source of entertainment like you to die. I will only interfere this one time because of the amazing future that awaits you. This power that I will give you will definitely give you the edge over that Deity. Use it however way you want for my entertainment'. When I woke up, I saw the High god in front of me, but things were now different. The overwhelming power I felt from him before were now overshadowed by my own overwhelming power" Lilith explained

'Judging from her story, it is quite obvious that is was my Original self who gave her the power of a deity. I thought it said that it won't be interfering with this reality but it has saved Lilith twice now. I would love to look and see what sought of future Lilith has that will make my Original self who governs all things to be interested, but it will ruin the surprise. It can't be helped I guess' Rimuru thought to himself

"The rest of what happened from then should be obvious. I fought the high god with my new powers and won. I then absolved the his powers after I had defeated him which increased my own powers. With me reaching the realm of the deities, I finally understood how the world works from their perspective" Lilith explained

"And that is" Rimuru asked her

"This world and all is laws and concepts was created by Veldanava. Veldanava was not alpha and omega because he gave up his powers to interact with his creations. Miyuki when she accended broke the border that bounded her to the system that Veldanava created. She then re-created everything that Veldanava had made and became the principal that the world operates with. Basically, the vast infinite Multiverse are all encompassed within Miyuki. The deities all share a part of her blessings which is why they too have trascended the border that bounds them to the world"

Lilith continued "In this way, they are exempted from the senerios written by Miyuki for the creation to follow and they have the power to change the script of creation to suite them. Even though I am a deity and have the power of a high god, I am still bound by the world that the deities govern and still operates under its concepts and laws. This is because I do not have the blessing of Miyuki"

Rimuru turned to Chloe and the rest "Don't worry yourselves about any of this. None of you are bound by the scripts of the deities so long as my blessing is with all of you"

Chloe nodded her head and looked at her hand "That explains why I don't feel that my actions are being monitored or controlled. I guess I have my husband to thank for that"

As the conversation was going on, Rimuru stood up and looked out of the window of the carriage "It looks like we got company"

The carriage stopped and everyone opened the doors and stepped outside to see what Rimuru was talking about. They looked and saw a female giant that looks like a small girl of eight years old in giant standard, running with all her might away from something and was heading towards them with the direction she was heading. Behind her was a black Dragon that was chasing the little female giant. From the killing aura that surrounds the dragon, it was obvious that his intention was not pure at all.

"Guess our new adventure are going to start early" Rimuru said with a smirk.

Two Gods Summoned To A Fantasy WorldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora