Chapter 13: Chloe Vs Kiba

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Chloe was climbing the stairs that would lead her to the Queen of vampires at a leisure pace. She was in no rush because she could feel that the Vampire Queen was waiting for her. She reached the end of the stairs and came into a massive room with a giant golden door at the end of the room. She looked closely and saw a black haired boy with a sword, standing in front of the door.

"I guess you are my final obstacle before meeting the queen" Chloe said as she approached the boy.

"Indeed I am. My name is Kiba and I am a knight to my beloved queen" Kiba introduce himself

"I'm Chloe and I am a god. Would you kindly move out of the way?" Chloe asked him

"I will not. As a proud vampire and a knight, it is my duty to protect my queen even if it costs me my life" Kiba said with conviction

Chloe smiled "I was once a knight too a long time ago, so I'm feeling a little nostalgic right now. Tell you what, I will make you a promise. I will only fight you with nothing but my sword. I will not use any power, just my skills and techniques with the sword"

Kiba looked shocked "Are you underestimating me?"

"Underestimating you? I'm actually giving you a chance. I could easily end you in a blink of an eye, but this way you have a chance to at least provide with some entertainment. You should be grateful" Chloe told him

Kiba got angry "I will make you pay for looking down on me, goddess or not" He drew his sword and got ready

"This should be fun then" Chloe drew her own sword and got into a fighting position.

Kiba disappeared and appeared in front of Chloe with his sword ready to cut her. He brought his sword down at her with the intention of cutting her in half, but Chloe blocked his strike by raising her own sword which intercepted Kiba's sword.

Kiba seeing that his attack was unsuccessful, began to slash at Chloe with great speed. Chloe began to deflect all his slashes, but Kiba didn't stop. Eventually, multiple sparks began to occur in the hall with Kiba doing his best to cut Chloe and Chloe deflecting all his sword slash with little difficulty.

Kiba who saw that his slashes were getting him no where, jumped back to gain some distance from Chloe.

Chloe looked at the retreated Kiba with amusement "It's that really the best an Elder Vampire can do?"

Kiba face changed into that of anger "Not yet. This is my magic which earned me the title Fastest Vampire after the Queen"

Kiba body began to glow and in the next instance, he vanished. He appeared at one Conner behind Chloe and then he disappeared again. He appeared at a other Conner before he disappeared again. He began to disappear and appear in multiple places in the hall.

"I am the fastest mortal on earth. I can reach a speed 25x faster than the speed of light. No mortal can keep up with me and certainly you cannot either. I will cut your head before you know what hit you" Kiba said while still running around the room

Chloe didn't move and kept standing where she was. Kiba saw her standing still and smiled in victory.

"Prepare to die goddess" he shouted as rushed in front of Chloe with the intention of cutting her head.

He was Infront of Chloe with his sword ready, but an unexpected event happened. Chloe grabbed his sword which was a few miters from her neck with her hand. Once she has grabbed it, she used her own sword that was in her right hand to slash at Kiba's stomach with little force. The force was enough to send Kiba flying to a wall with a great boom. All this literally happened in practically zero time.

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