"Well that was fucking rude." Marlie mutters, making Harry laugh a little.

"You'd think they'd stop sneaking around after all that has happened." Harry states.

"You're the chosen one." Marlie adds incredulously, "You should be leading those meetings if you ask me."

"Lucky no one asked you then isn't it Marlie Moo?" Fred smirks from the other doorway.

Marlie flushes bright red and looks away from the tall ginger boy, "Don't call me that."

Fred deflates a little, leaning against the door way, "Sorry Marls I didn't mean anything-"

"Oh god no." Marlie flushes harder, "It's not because of Zion..well maybe a bit but yeah.. just.."

Fred nods, walking away from the two spies and goes back to his twin in the lounge. Harry raises his eyebrows until they disappear beneath his fringe. Marlie glares at him and shakes her head.

"Not a bloody word Potter or I'll hex you."

Harry laughs and holds his hands up in surrender, "I didn't say anything."

"Your face says it all." She grumbles, leaning against the wall.

"Don't bring him up!" Regulus snaps loudly, slamming his hands on the table.

Both Marlie and Harry sit up straighter, straining their ears to listen through the door as Regulus positively blows up.

"You don't have the fucking right Sirius! You don't have the right! You have no fucking clue what it's like being on that side. You don't know what sort of things we were made to do or-" Regulus' voice cracks, "You don't know what we saw.. you'll never know. You'll never get it so just don't bring him up like that-"

"I'm sorry." Sirius says his voice small, "I'm sorry."

"Barty's word is good." Regulus says breathlessly, "I trust him."

Regulus would always believe in Barty, it didn't matter how fucked in the head he was. He would always have his back and now that his intentions weren't evil even if that's how he had come across for all those years. Reg would never be able to explain the way Barty's mind worked to those who didn't know him. To them he was just a death eater. To them he had infiltrated Hogwarts and impersonated Professor Moody to risk Harry's life for the Dark Lord but there was more to it than that. Regulus didn't know what, but he had every single faith in Barty.


Regulus looks up at his big brother and sighs, "Yeah, I'm coming."

"It's not that.. you.. you know you can talk to me right?"

Regulus nods as he stands up, the four teens waiting patiently up ahead for the two elder men. Regulus hesitates for a moment, staring at Sirius with that look in his eyes and Sirius immediately shakes his head.

"Fucking forget that thought right now."Sirius hisses through gritted teeth as they catch up to the teens.

"He hasn't reached out in awhile but he will." Regulus explains softly, "When he wants me there he will stop at nothing but if I go now-"

"He talks to you too?" Harry asks with wide eyes.

Regulus stares at Harry, an inexplicable look on his face, "Because I have the Dark Mark he can.. call to me and talk to me..if he wants."

"Oh." Is all Harry says in response, following after Hermione who had waited behind for him.

Regulus looks at Sirius, "He's definitely one of them-"

It takes two | Sirius BlackOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant