"Can you be a gentleman and let me go?" I groaned.

"I think we should talk about your lunch date, first," Klaus retorted and Elijah chuckled from beside us.

"It wasn't a date, thank you very much," I argued. Freya huffed then, walking off quickly to avoid witnessing a fight/argument between the two of us.

"He likes you, Danielle. And I don't like that," Klaus complained.

"How am I supposed to control another man, liking me?" I quipped. "I was doing what you do with Camille. Getting closer to him. Sorry, not sorry, Klaus."

"Are we back on Camille?"

"Did you ever get off?" Elijah snorted. "Pardon the wording. I imply nothing."

Klaus rolled his eyes, "My purpose wasn't to get closer to Cami. Okay? It really was just therapy."

"Were you paying her?" I retorted, pulling out of his arms finally as they loosened as we began to bicker. I got off of his lap to stand in front of him. He pursed his lips, not answering, probably mulling over how to get around this one. "I asked you a question, Klaus. If it was just therapy, did she get paid?"

"No matter what I say, you're going to be mad," Klaus answered without answering the actual question. He was ridiculous, absolutely unbelievable.

"I'm already mad," I pointed out. "If you were paying her, I'm mad you spent your ancient earned money after bitching about my shopping habits as of late. And if you weren't—"

"No, I wasn't paying her," he cut me off. And that was the wrong answer. It was also the one, I was expecting. But hearing it out loud just pissed me off. No payment = not therapy.

I narrowed my eyes, "Then it isn't therapy! That's a free meet and greet!"

"A free—? What? Danielle, we were just talking."

"Yeah, two so called friends, sneaking around just to talk. In other words, spending time together to get closer? How is that different from Tristan and I getting lunch today? I was having a really good time."

Klaus stood up then, "you're going to stay away from him, Danielle. That's an order. Understood?"

Elijah sighed, shaking his head in disappointment. I glared at my ex. "Like you stayed away from Cami when I asked?" I spat just as angry. "Do not tell me who I can and can't hang out with. It's not only hypocritical, as it is moot. We broke up. I'm allowed to see other men."

"Like hell you are!"

"We are broken up because you wanted to see another woman while we were together," I pointed out. "Why is it a problem if I see men now that we're not? I deserve a man who craves my attention, only mine. A man who sees me for more than a pretty face and a rockin' body. Someone who realizes I'm an amazing woman, and that they would be incredibly lucky to have me. If that's not you—"

"Are you saying that's not me?" Klaus interrupted.

"It's a problem that you have to ask!" I snapped. "But no, it is not you. If it was I wouldn't have dumped your narcissistic, conniving, and hypocritical ass!"

Klaus scoffed, "You knew I was narcissistic, conniving, and hypocritical when we met."

I narrowed my eyes, "You're ridiculous. I'm going home."

"You really want me to chase you? To grovel? Fine. But, I'll only beg you for sex."

"Niklaus, you repulse me," Elijah said.

"Likewise," I said, giving Klaus a dirty look. "Goodbye and goodnight."

"Are we still on for yoga tomorrow?"

I'm Entirely Yours, Klaus (Book 3)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें