Andy was set to arrive any minute now so I laid on the couch with my legs across both of their laps. They looked down at me softly and began conversing again, only with me interjecting every once in a while. 

We all turned to the sound of knocking on the door. I pulled my legs off of their laps and Nicky got up to answer the door. As soon as it was opened, Nicky pulled Andy into a hug, with Joe following immediately after, picking her up and twirling her around.

I just stared at her in shock, she had been gone for a year and seeing her now didn't feel real. The texts I had sent her flashed through my mind, never answered, always seen. 

Joe spoke first "You look great."

"And you look okay." causing them both to break out in chuckles. 

Andy turned to look at me next. "Hey Sunshine."

I broke out of whatever trance I was in and ran at her, hugging her as tightly as I could scared she would disappear. 

I leaned closer to her and whispered in her ear. "I missed you." I could feel her pull me tighter as a result. 

"I know, and I missed you too Sunshine." 

We embraced for several more seconds before we all started to take our places on the couch. I was laying on top of Joe, while Booker and Andy took their places on the other couch. 

Nicky decided to issue his favorite challenge, testing Andy's palate and it never ended well for anyone who bet against her.

"Five-hundred Booker"

Andy protested knowing how this was going to end. "No."

"All right all in, here it is." 

I jumped in, throwing my money down onto the table. "I say she gets it down to the territory."

"Really, you too?" 

Joe jumped in, taking Nicky's side as always, and that made it a family pot. Andy shook her head and began to unwrap the treat slowly. She savored her first bite teasingly, enjoying the position of power she was now in. 

"Hazelnut, not Walnut."  Nicky nodded.

"The Black Sea." 


Two fingers up. Nicky was shifting nervously and even Joe looked concerned. 

"Pomegranate" She leaned back, savoring the taste more. "Eastern Turkey." 

Booker and I yelled out, giving each other a fist bump as we celebrated our victory. We all started chattering and teasing each other in Italian while Booker and I divided up our money, lording it over the boys. Andy was watching the scene while laughing, and everything felt perfect. 

"Admit it, boss. You missed us." Joe said with a grin. I just smiled and leaned back into him. He wrapped his arms around me, and we both gave her matching grins. 

She smiled some more and admitted. "I did."

"It's a job guys." Booker broke the good mood. 

Nicky spoke next. "We can do some good."

I knew that mantra wouldn't work for Andy. "Have you been watching the news lately? Some good means nothing."

I looked down awkwardly, I knew this wasn't a conversation I should be in. I was very young compared to them, and I had come to realize that they had burdens far older than me. 

"I don't know about this guys. We're not helping." She stood up and moved to the window, looking out of it distantly. 

"I know you needed a break, but it's been over a year boss." Joe spoke kindly. 

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