Chapter 28 : The Pool

Start from the beginning

El's pov

Max stayed with the boys in the living room, who were playing in cards until we get ready. Dustin wasn't with us. He biked at his home to bring something called 'goggles', he says its glasses you were under the water. So we waited for him to come back. "max, I'll go drink some water" I said. Max nodded. I got in the kitchen to find Robin standing there just drinking an energy drink. She looked, lost in her thoughts. I walked up to her. "hey" I said. "oh-hey El" she said. "are you okay?" I asked worried. I put my hand on her shoulder. "oh, yeah" she said smiling. I knew she was lying. "Robin, friends don't lie" I said. She looked at me for a second and sighed sadly. "I-I just miss someone-dont worry about it" Robin said. "who?" I asked. "my ex girlfriend" she said. "oh, do you wanna talk about it" I asked. She nodded. She told me about her story about her ex girlfriend, how they broke up and everything (if you remember in chapter 26 when Robin talked to max about her life). "and yeah, I just thought I got over her but I guess I don't, I miss her" she said sadly. "sorry for wasting your time-" I cut her off by hugging her. "no, don't say that, I'm here for you, just like you always do, okay? You're like a big sister to me that I never had" I said smiling. She looked at me in awe, probably happy and emotional. "yeah I agree, that's-so cute, I never had a sister and of course you're like my little sister, I like it" Robin said smiling. I laughed. "yeah" I said. We hugged for about a minute. She pulled away. "alright brownie time to go back to the others before max comes and check on us, I don't want her to worry about me, just a silly me" she said giggling. "okay we should, and you're not silly" I said. She nodded. I paused. "brownie? Again, seriously?" I asked frowning and chuckled. That's the nickname she gave me. Classic Robin you know. I just laughed and went back. I saw the boys playing cards while Will was showing max something on the magazine. I messed Will's hair to annoy him for fun." hey will the wise, don't steal my girlfriend" I joked as I jumped above the couch and sat next to max. "I'm gay" will said giggling. "she's joking" lucas said laughing. "yeah I know" will said back. Max just laughed and pulled me on her lap and hugged me. "relax baby, I'm only yours" she whispered in my ear. I know she understood that I was joking but she wanted to say it. I got chills and blushed. "only mine" I whispered giggling. Suddenly lucas slapped the table angrily. I flinched and jumped slightly. He scared me. "jeez lucas you scared my Teddy bear" max said. When I heard the loud bang I turned around quickly. I giggled at max's comment. "ew max, stop with the nicknames" Mike said. "why? You calling will puppy" I mocked him. "it's because he sneezes like a puppy" Mike said laughing. "well, El is like a little teddy bear who gives the best hugs" I said back. "that's cute" lucas said. "all of you" he finished. We all smiled at him. "we need to find lucas a girlfriend asap" will joked. "yeah I think it's time you move on from max bro" Mike joked. Lucas threw a pillow at him annoyed.
Max's pov
"yeah, move on, you'll find a girl" El said innocently. "not better than mine though" El said. Damn she's so cute. Everyone laughed at the joke."no but like, seriously lucas, you should find a girl that treats you right and you'll treat her right" El said. "yeah, definitely someone better than I did" I said. "yeah, but, that was different max, it's fine, don't worry, I understand" lucas said smiling. "yeah but I still hurt your feelings" I  said. "it's alright" lucas said.
El's pov
I felt a bit jealous I don't know why. I guess I'm just scared, what if she still likes him. Also, that memory when lucas kissed her didn't get off my mind. I think lucas still wants her and I'm mad about it but I feel bad for him at the same time. I just hope max doesn't get back with him. Max must have sensed it and put her hands around my weist while I was still on her lap,hugging me. I love when she huggs me from the weist. It always gives me butterflies. Dustin came back. "dude, what took you so long it's been half an hour, your house is only 5 minutes away" lucas said annoyed. "yeah well I couldn't find them" Dustin said. "well, did you?" Mike asked. "yeah duh" Dustin said. Mike rolled his eyes. Dustin pulled the goggles out to show us."okay I only found 2 pairs so we're gonna have to share" Dustin said. "it's fine" the boys said. I freezed when I saw them. I know realise what goggles were. Those pair of glassed they put me when I got into the bathtub years ago, in the lab.

Max's pov

I saw El frozen as soon as she saw the goggles. I shook her worried. "El? El are you okay" I asked worried. "yeah" she said quietly. "are you sure?" I asked again. The others were as confused as me. "oh.." Mike whispered. "oh?" I asked confused. "it's, um, bad memories from years ago" Mike said. The boys looked at each other. "oh, yeah" Dustin and lucas whispered. "is there something I don't know?" I asked. "hey, I'm not a child, it's just goggles papa used to make me wear to spy on people in the bathtub that's it" El said a bit mad. "El, sorry" we all said at the same time. "it's fine, don't worry about it" El said. We nodded. I took her hand and squeezed it. She gave me a week smile.

*time skip, at the pool*

Still max's pov

We finally arrived at the pool. Robin insisted to stay with us, even though we told her not to. We sat down next to the pool. It was the time I've been fearing. To take off my clothes. "hey,max, its fine if you don't want to" El said obviously seeing my nervous expression. "it's fine, I'll do it, I want to have fun" I said trying to act cool. She nodded. I slowly took them off. I exhaled a breath I must have been holding without realizing it. El then took off hers as well. She smiled at me proudly. I decided to just try and forget. I just want to have fun with my friends and forget about Neil and what he's done to my body. I leaned down to take the sunscreen from the bag. El looked confused. "this is sunscreen, you put it on your skin so you don't get burnt" I said. "you apply it on your skin, hands legs, face, wherever you want and need to" I said applying some on my arms. "so everyone puts this on their body for protection?" she asked. "yeah, especially for sensitive skin like mine, cause I'm a ginger but yeah" I said giggling. "it depends though it might not work" I said. "what if it doesn't work?" she asked a bit scared. I giggled. "nothing it just hurts a bit, burns basically but you just put on cream and stuff, it's normal lots of people get burn" I said. She nodded understanding. She then put on some on her skin copying me. After a few minutes El decided to get in. I didn't want to presure her to get in. I gave her time. We got in. "see it's not that bad right?" I said smiling at her, showing her that's she's safe. She smiled back, I could still feel that she's scared and  it's reasonable. The boys started jumping in the water splashing us. "oh god" I groaned annoyed. And splash water at Mike when he jumped in the water. "wanna jump, like what the boys did?" I asked El. She hesitated. "we'll jump together if you want, I'll hold you" I said. She nodded. "you sure?" I asked again, making sure she wants to. "yes, I'm sure, I want to try it, it looks fun" El said smiling. We got out of the water. The boys were cheering us up encouraging El. There were so many kids in the pool, but we had some space to jump. I picked her up and held her tightly. "alright, 3, 2, 1" i counted down and jumped. We got out of the water,still holding her. She was a bit scared but happy. She started smiling, I hope she likes it. And she did. "that was so cool" el said. "I told you you would like it" I said smiling at her. We suddenly heard a boy yelling something at us. "faggots" he said laughing with his friends. "shut up you did we ask you to speak, leave us alone we don't care" I said. I didn't want to start a fight or something just defended me and El. I turned around like nothing happened. "hey, you kids, cut it" we heard the life guard. I felt everyone staring at us. We listened and stopped. The boy just walked away and continued having fun with his friends. I was still holding El. "thanks" El said. "of course" I said smiling at her.

Mike's pov

After the scene when some boys were laughing about El and max, I got back to the boys. "hey will" i said. He turned around. "yeah?" he said. "wanna go buy some ice cream?" I asked. "yeah sure" will said. We got our of the pool holding hands. Then we heard a familiar voice calling my name. It was.. my mom. What is she doing here. I realised she saw us holding hands. This is not going to end up well, I thought.

3209 words.

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