The Quest Concludes

Start from the beginning

Iruma doesn't seem to know how to respond so he simply stares at Rimuru with a frown.

"Not even mentioning Azz who practically worships you! I'm not nearly as close with Azz nor Clara as you are, so I don't know why you think people look down on you. If anything, a lot of people look up to you, Iruma; and I've been noticing that more and more recently." Rimuru compliments.

"I suppose I have been noticing it too, but I thought it was just because I'm different than normal right now," Iruma admits.

"I promise you it's not that; I know what loyalty is like from personal experience, and it's not something earned in a day or two. This is something that's been building up since the start of the school year." Rimuru continues.

"I still don't like it...the idea of you making the gap between us even clearer..." Iruma grumbles.

Rimuru ponders his words for a moment before a conniving grin peels across her lips.

"I can make it up to you by showing you a new kind of magic if you want, how does that sound?" Rimuru offers, smiling as she entices Iruma.

"New magic?!" Iruma asks, seemingly very excited by the idea.

"Yes, I can show you a new toy, but you need to get over this sour attitude about this bloodline magic business." Rimuru continues.

"Fine. Teach me whatever you have in better be something good..." Iruma says, smiling slyly.

"Oh, it will be, don't worry!" Rimuru reassures, grinning with Iruma.

"It isn't anything too dangerous, is it Rimuru?" I ask concernedly.

"Nothing Iruma can't handle, no. We'll do this after dinner, capiche?"

Iruma gives Rimuru an arrogant grin, looking thrilled to learn whatever Rimuru is planning to teach him.

Both enthusiastically clean their plates in a blink of an eye, leaving me stunned by how fast both of them are. Rimuru is one thing, being a Demon Lord and all, but Iruma is an average human. He's been like this since I adopted him, but I'm still left puzzled every single time I see him do this.

Iruma POV

I'm annoyed by Rimuru's ideas about fake bloodline magic for the both of us, but I can put that aside for the moment. She's offered to teach me something new, a skill I assume. This isn't something I should take for granted, so of course, I happily agreed.

Rimuru led me into the living room and Grandpa followed behind us, looking curious about what we're about to do.

"This skill is very versatile and can even be fun if you use it right. Universal Thread, it's called. But first...put these on." Rimuru says, tossing me a black pair of fingerless gloves.

I catch them and look closer. They appear to be made of some sort of leather and are fingerless, their backs inscribed with some sort of rune or magic circle.

"Why?" I ask.

"Not only will it make your control of magic better, but they should also protect your hands. Remember how you got burnt at the exam? This'll prevent anything like that from happening ever again."

I slip them on and can't help but think they look cool, which makes me smile. Observing Rimuru's gift, I hold my hands in front of my face. They feel smooth and fit perfectly and I give my fingers a testing wiggle.

I notice the cutoff point on my middle finger is a little lower than the others, and only on my right hand; at the perfect level to not cover my Gluttonous Feeder Ring. It's like they were made for me, which they probably were.

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