28. Time to Rest

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The Executioners spent five days on the volcanic island. Hongjoong took care of sending off the mates for hire and discussed contracts with those who wished to stay. He organised burials for the bodies they could retrieve and paid his respects to the names on Wooyoung's list that were lost to the sea.

A busy few days passed in a flash, but Hongjoong still felt it was the longest holiday he ever got. No thoughts about revenge and hatred tormented him. As he visited Yunho's grave together with his mates, he was delighted to tell him they had avenged him. The raging beast would kill no more friend of Hongjoong's. Not his past crew, and not his current one.

After three days of recreation and resting their wounds, the pirates set sail. The Dungeness accompanied them still, as Seonghwa's 'observation duty' for the letter of marque had been elongated just so the pirates had safe guidance from the island.

Hongjoong stood at the railing with the wind in his hair and breathed the scent of the ocean as if it was the first time all over again. For over four years, the kraken had plagued his nightmares. Now that it was gone, Hongjoong lacked his hateful purpose.

But there were other things to do. The ocean was vast, and its secrets were plentiful. The next adventure would dawn upon them in no time. Further and beyond, until they reached the end of the seas, they would sail and explore it all.

Hongjoong's loose shirt fluttered around his frame. It was tucked into his sash and allowed the warm sun to kiss his skin after two days of rain. He relished in its rays as no more dread frightened him.

Heavy steps by his sides announced a matey. Since no towering shadow fell over Hongjoong, he cranked his eyes open, assured it wasn't a frosty naval commander and neither Mingi with another test for Hongjoong's loyalty.

Jongho stood by his side and grasped the railing with his firm hands. Despite their destructive nature, they treated the ship as delicately as his concertina. Like a lover, meant to be cherished. Both had accompanied them to the most horrible fights.

"Ye be glowin' like a star, Captain. Be ye tryin' to blind our obnoxious jack tar watch mutt?"

Hongjoong cast a glimpse over his shoulder. He found Seonghwa on the Dungeness as he manned the wheel. His gaze stubbornly fixed on the ship and the ocean in front of him, but Hongjoong knew he had been stealing glances at the captain leaning towards the bowsprit of the Grief. He was sure the sun, and the wind cast him in a most enthralling picture.

Not that the scent up here was much too pleasant. Since Yongguk's hut was far, they had fixed the tentacle to the front of the ship for show with no casing. The stench of the rotting flesh in the sun twisted Hongjoong's stomach in every way possible.

"Perhaps I be," Hongjoong chuckled as he focused on Jongho. "'Ow be ye doin'? Glad to return to yer lass?"

Jongho fiddled with his calloused fingers on the railing. His soft hair ruffled in the wind as if spirits ran fond hands through it. Perhaps they, too, wished to make a pillow from it.

"I be. As much as I want to stay 'ere an' enjoy the madness at sea with ye scallywags, I also yearn to spy me little ones again. I did nay expect to feed the fish during this voyage, but I be relieved now. Naia will be, too."

"I be sure she will," Hongjoong granted. His heart ached at seeing another member of his family leave, but he understood. None of the others had got caught up in the same way living their new lives as Jongho did. A family was something too precious to risk, Hongjoong had learned that.

"Tell yer brats I said ahoy. I 'ope once they grow up, they be aware o' who I be," Hongjoong beamed before the gloom of their nearing parting could darken Jongho's features. Now, a gummy smile crinkled the man's eyes.

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