16. Another Rig

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Like a group of well-educated children, Hongjoong's crew sat around the dining table. They had shoved their hands under their legs and their face were blank in careful neutralness. Whenever one of them couldn't withstand the need to break out in giggles, they rolled their lips into their mouths to keep them sealed.

Hongjoong sighed. He had crossed his arms and purposefully leaned away from Seonghwa, who sat in the chair by his side with his back straight and his legs crossed. He throned at the head of the table, domineering it with his snobbish arrogance.

"So... Cabezon found 'is way aft 'ere," Wooyoung opened. His grin was the most mischievous one and Hongjoong knew this would follow him to the grave.

The captain rolled his neck, pretending for nonchalance.

"Aye, through blackmail most vicious. I will give the responsible mates a few moments to confess their guilt. Do nay think ye can 'ide."

Yeosang chuckled incredulously.

"Captain, why would ye accuse us o' workin' with the jack tar? That be a cruel rig."

The withering glare Hongjoong gave him had Yeosang's grin twitch through his face. When the captain replied, his voice was sweeter than sugar and stickier than tree sap.

"Ye would think so, nay? That me own mates would never try to 'ornswoggle me? I once thought so, too." He batted his lashes at Yeosang. A moment later, his face fell, and he leaned forward to put his elbow on the desk. His hair tumbled into his forehead when he levered his piercing gaze at San and Yeosang, who sat side by side with each other. The knife he had been playing with rested in his hand under his chin.

Two angelic smiles beamed back at him.

"They weren't the ones who decided I would be here. They merely extended an invitation. I came here on my own terms," Seonghwa piped up. Hongjoong rolled his eyes before he looked at the man. His regal air of superiority made Wooyoung's new manners pale. While Mingi clearly disliked having Cabezon back on board as much as Hongjoong did, he didn't bother complaining. The captain's word was law.

"That does nay excuse their betrayal. Without yer involvement, we would nay 'ave a watch mutt on our backs, ye bilge rats," Hongjoong growled at his crew. This time, Seonghwa kept his mouth sealed, though his eyes weren't nearly as vindictive on the two troublemakers as Hongjoong's were.

San had the grace to duck his head with a wince, but Yeosang proudly stared at the captain. Not an ounce of regret crossed his features.

"Sometimes ye just need an excuse an' that be fine, captain. Blame it on me an' 'ave fun with Cabezon," he said with a winning smile. He stood from the table before Hongjoong could throw his knife at him. The unfortunate 'land ahoy' from upstairs offered a valid reason to escape the captain's wrath.

As the surgeon rushed out of the door with a devious giggle, Hongjoong roared after him.

"Ye ain't off the 'ook, mutinous son o' a wench!" He called, but only laughter answered him. One by one, the crew filtered out of the room to ready for anchoring. Hongjoong slipped into his coat with a grumble and put his hat on so his imposing presence was complete before they left. Not that they expected anything apart from a sunken ship, some monkeys and the occasional bird on this lonesome island.

Hongjoong turned on his heel to storm out of the door, but Cabezon's arm caught his waist before he could leave. With a rough yank, the commodore jerked Hongjoong closer. Hongjoong's warning growl got ignored as the seated man tilted his head to stare up at the pirate coolly. Fiery ire got doused in ice.

"Fault your crew all you want, but you knew I had my eyes on you. I would have hunted you down even if your crew hadn't reached out and I might have been less kind then."

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