10. Reminders of the Past

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The heavy weapons around Hongjoong's hips shifted with his every step up the cliff. The steep path robbed the crew of their breaths, and they collectively wobbled on their sea legs. After what felt like an eternity of walking, they made it to the top and delved into the forest. Before the trees closed their curtain behind Hongjoong, he glanced at the Grief nestled against the cliffs once more. Safely, she waited for their return, yearning as much as the captain to regather the crew and go on an adventure out at sea.

The forest, to Hongjoong, was like the sea. It was deep and dark, hiding just as many secrets and treasures. Forest animals were more used to humans and thus deadlier, but there were just as many one could eat. Compared to narrow cities, forests held some semblance of home to Hongjoong. As he wandered, he skimmed his fingers over the trees, feeling the various textures of their barks digging into his fingertips.

They found a road next to a joyfully splashing river. The water was clean, refreshing their parched throats as the pirates discussed which direction to follow the earthy path on. Instead of seagulls, birds sang their songs here, and they sounded much more pleasant than the cackling screams Hongjoong was used to. With a hum, he petted Yunho, who perched on his shoulder like a silent guardian.

"Nay too fond of joinin' yer buckos, ay?"

Yunho rustled his wings.

"Get the crew, get the crew."

"That be the idea," Hongjoong chuckled. He picked the path north, following his compass while the crew still bickered behind him. They were quick to catch up, San's steps on the wooden leg dulled by the soft forest floor.

They roamed the expanse of greens and browns for a while. Hongjoong couldn't imagine living here, so far away from the sea, but Jongho likely had wanted to live comfortably near other humans. More people to help take care of his kids.

Jongho with some brats bearing his face... An unusual imagination. Hongjoong hadn't accidentally fathered anyone, as far as he knew, kudos to his preferred love for men. It had never been implausible that his crew would settle down one day, but now that it had come so far, Hongjoong wasn't sure anymore how to imagine it.

As the captain spotted someone down the path veering in their direction, his jumbled thoughts released their bewildering hold on his mind. An elderly woman came their way, her old eyes straining to recognise the strangers. This area wasn't prone to getting visitors often, so Hongjoong grinned as he put one hand on the grip of his gun and hurried to close up on her. She slowed, leery of who he was. Her stooped figure wavered when she looked up at the captain with milky eyes. Clueless, she tried to piece together the hat, the parrot, and his blurry face.

"Ahoy, hag. Can ye kindly point us to the nearest village? We be searchin' fer a mate there," Hongjoong smirked down at her, pleased at the defenceless innocence she displayed.

Before her eyebrows could draw together, Wooyoung shouldered him away. With a much kinder smile, he inclined his head to the old lady.

"Please excuse my friend. He is rough around the edges, mylady. We seek a man named Jongho; are you acquainted with him?" Sugary-sweet, he charmed his spell around her, and the woman smiled a relieved grin. She was missing some teeth, but the wrinkles around her eyes gave away a usually joyful character.

Bored, Hongjoong crossed his arms as he waited for Wooyoung to finish his scheme.

"Ah, Jongho, yes. That darling lives further down the road. If you follow it to the crossway, take a left. His hut is distanced from the rest."

Tempted to snatch the valuables the local people had collected over the past few years, Hongjoong nodded along. Ultimately, Jongho was more important, but Hongjoong couldn't help running a rig on an old lady when he saw one. Their helpless terror was just too delicious. Not that he would kill her. Just watch her flail helplessly.

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