9. Heading for Jongho

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Hongjoong slammed his jug on the table in front of him. Lazy fingers grabbed the bread to rip it apart while his boots were comfortably poised on the tabletop.

"So, 'ow did ye meet 'er?" The captain asked around a mouthful of food. His challenging gaze was directed at the navigator, whose lips pulled into a devious smirk at the question.

"Would ye believe me if I told ye she spied me on the road an' fell 'ead o'er 'eels fer me?"

His playful fingers circled his cup in a fashion much similar to the orderly mannerisms of the upper society. Amused to see him act like a longcoat Hongjoong would usually rob while slinging their pirate talk left and right, Hongjoong studied him from head to toe.

"Ye be runnin' a rig on us," he concluded. When Wooyoung's face distorted into a sneering grimace, the table broke out in laughter. Mingi's chuckle next to Hongjoong was just smoky enough for the other mates to question what they had been doing before they had stumbled out of the captain's quarters together this morning.

Arrogant, Wooyoung skimmed his fingers through his hair. Last night, he had still worn it tied into a loose ponytail at the back of his neck, but the loose curls hugged his cherubic face freely now.

"I be very attractive, just so ye know, Captain." Under the table, his hand found San's good thigh. They already sat hip against hip with each other again and Hongjoong guessed they had lots to catch up on. Glad that it wouldn't become a problem, the captain gestured for him to keep talking with an impatient hand.

"I joined another crew after our last voyage an' sailed with 'em, if only once. I been nay ready to leave the briney deep behind yet, so I scuttled a merchant's ship with 'em. Turns out it been 'eavily guarded by jack tar dogs. We almost got scuttled, but melady Francine been aboard that ship an' she took a likin' to me charms. The gentleman o' fortune with a bloody face kissin' 'er 'and oddly did the trick. She offered me to wipe me records so long as I came to live with 'er in 'er mansion an' who be I to refuse that? I lived a prosperous life there." Smug, Wooyoung emptied his cup. The assembled pirates hummed in disbelief.

"I would 'ave 'ad ye dance the 'empen jig if I been a jack tar aboard that vessel," Hongjoong chuckled. Wooyoung stuck his tongue out at him.

"Ye been nay." As he leaned back, he naturally came to sink against San's shoulder. While stiff with apprehension, San allowed the familiar proximity.

"So ye been 'er toy to play with fer the past two years?" Yeosang asked through a bite of fish. He was the only one still eating along with Wooyoung, kind enough to match Wooyoung's ridiculous new table manners. The rest of them had wolfed their food down like starving men after a day working on the ship. They would reach the eastern coast soon, where Jongho was rumoured to have settled down. As they needed all the strength they could get until then, Wooyoung's poise seemed extra unnecessary.

"I married 'er but, aye. She supplied food an' luxury fer me, an' in turn, I got to scuttle 'er in all the jolly ways she came up with. There been no loss from me side."

They giggled their raunchy laughs as Hongjoong supported his elbow on Mingi's shoulder to caress his chin with a smug hand.

"She 'ad many jolly ways to take ye?" He prompted. Wooyoung didn't even blush, prideful in his appeal.

"She ain't no lass anymore, an' a noble on top o' that. I been sure she'd be borin' me in no time, but that ain't the case. The upper society 'as a lot o' fun methods to pleasure each other. Must be the boredom. I thought us privateers been wild." Wooyoung's eyes twinkled with mischief.

Hongjoong was reminded of Seonghwa, and how desperately the man had resisted his attraction to the captain. It was true; those who appeared to be immaculate usually had the most stains under their facades. Seonghwa had been more than keen to press Hongjoong face down into the sand to conquer him.

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