Chapter 2

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On Saturday night everybody going home for the holidays had already left. Mary joined Sirius as usual in his dorm around eleven thirty. Surprisingly Remus wasn't in his bed when Sirius went to get ready for bed, but he was thankful he didn't have to see him alone yet. However, it was starting to be late and Sirius was getting worried as to why Remus wasn't in his bed yet. Was he with the Ravenclaw girl again? Did she stay so they could spend the holidays together? Was that that serious between them? Remus had always been very private about his relationships and now that they didn't talk that much it was even harder for Sirius to know. Mary tried to distract him a bit but he wasn't in the mood. She claimed that they should take advantage of the fact there was nobody left in the tower except them but Sirius replied saying Remus would come back soon enough.
She looked at him with a smirk on her face. "Well, maybe we could take advantage of that too."
He looked at her, oblivious. "What do you mean?"
"Well, you know, I've always fantasised about a threesome with you two." She said laughing.
"Are you being serious?" He asked, laughing too.
"Yeah." She looked at him, smiling. "Would you be down for that?"
"Uh, I mean, yeah probably. But I don't think he'd be into that. He's my friend you know it might be weird for him."
"He's my friend too. And we're friends too, it's not weird!"
"Yeah but you know what I mean. He's straight. And I'm a boy so."
"So what? That doesn't mean anything. Ask him, you never know he might be okay with it."
"Why should I ask him? That was your idea! Ask him yourself."
"Okay. I'll do it."
Sirius was shook. He thought she was joking. But she's really gonna ask him, isn't she? Oh god, and what if Remus says yes? What is he gonna do then? Sleep with Remus? Okay he'd love that, but no. Not that way. And that wouldn't be fair. He can't do that while the others think it's all fun and game and he'll be here scratching his heart over because he started falling in love with one of his best friends. Remus would never say yes anyway. He was getting mad over nothing. She could ask him he would never say yes. But what if he thought it was Sirius idea then? What if he understood what was going on in his stupid little brain and confronted him about it? Oh god Sirius was screwed.
"And how are you planning on asking him anyway? You can't just throw that into a conversation."
"I was thinking that maybe, as we're sure nobody else than Remus will come into the dorm, we could forget the silencing spell tonight." she said smirking. "We could start making out, then when he'll come check what is happening we'll invite him to join us."
That sounded like a shitty plan, but at least if Remus said no he wouldn't think it was planned. So Sirius secret was safe.

Remus came back to the dorm at 00:30am. He had spent the whole evening hiding in the corridor with a book, not wanting to witness his friends coitus once again. He was really tired and wanted to go to sleep as soon as possible. He hoped they'd be finished by now, so he opened the door without checking if she was still there, going straight for his bed. He hadn't put one foot in the room that he heard sharp breaths and kissing sounds. Seriously? They were still going at it? How weren't they tired? And I mean every day? How aren't they bored of each other yet?
He couldn't get to sleep like that. It was already bad with the silencing spell but without? And they didn't even think about him this time. It had been weeks that Remus couldn't sleep because of them. He just wanted one night, one fucking night to sleep without having his friends fucking next to him. And why weren't they doing that in Mary's dorm uh? There wasn't anybody else in there. He had to tell them to stop or to find somewhere else to do that. But he couldn't just interrupt them and tell them to leave. The curtains of Sirius bed were shut. What if they were naked in there?
He spend a few minutes on the doorstep, deciding between going to his bed as if it was normal or saying something. In the end his anger took over the awkwardness it may cause and he went to Sirius bed. In one smooth movement he opened the curtains, eyes closed, and started shouting at them. "So I get that you all are horny teenagers that can't spend a day without fucking each other but sometimes I'd like to get some proper sleep and knowing you're in the same room as me, fucking, every night, isn't quite helping. And I have to say, it is slightly getting on my nerves so if you want to live another day please leave this dorm and go wherever you'd like as long as I'm not there."
A long silence followed. They had stopped kissing, so he opened his eyes. They were both fully dressed thankfully, Sirius shirt only falling on his sides, the last buttons undone. Then Sirius suddenly bursted out laughing. Mary and Remus looked at him, then at each other, a bit taken aback.
"Sorry, sorry" Sirius said, still laughing uncontrollably.
"What is so funny?" Remus asked.
"Nothing, nothing." He said trying to catch his breath. "I was just thinking about how absurd the situation was."
Mary blow him in the ribs. "-T's not funny." She muttered.
"Oh admit it, you didn't even had time to get to the funniest part your plan is already ruined."
"Your plan? What are we even talking about?" Remus asked, totally disoriented.
"Well, she was gonna ask you for a threesome." Sirius said, not thinking. When he realized what he had just said he stopped laughing immediately. Remus was too chocked to notice anyway.
"A what?" He asked a minute later. "With you two?"
Remus thoughts were flying at light speed. Why would they want to sleep with him in the first place? They already had each other to do that. But surprisingly the thought of it wasn't that unpleasant. Remus had tried to find someone to do his first time with over the last year, but all the girls he had talked to weren't doing it for him. He had become pretty close of a Ravenclaw girl last month, but he had had to turn her down literally last minute because he felt like he couldn't do it. It usually felt weird in his mind, the idea of sleeping with a girl, but now, with his friends, it didn't fell that weird. Even if the situation was weird.
"Okay" He said, to the two others surprise.
"What?" Sirius chocked out.
"Only if you're okay with it of course." Remus replied quickly.
"Yeah, well, we're the ones proposing it to you so yeah."
The silence lasted a good minute, then Remus climbed on the bed with them. He clumsily came close to Mary, leaning in for a kiss. Their lips met, moving awkwardly against each other. Sirius watched them, bemused, convinced he was somehow in a too realistic dream. Remus and Mary started making out, laying down on the bed, when Mary extended her arm, bringing Sirius in. She turned her head to kiss him, Remus now kissing her neck. Things started heating up. Sirius finished taking his shirt off, while Mary unbuttoned Remus'. Sirius looked at Remus scars, still not believing what was happening was real, while Mary was just smiling. She kissed Remus once again, pulling him in. Sirius took off his pants, looking at Remus' back, not daring to touch him. He waited until Mary started laughing and said "Don't be shy Sirius!" leaving Remus to climb on top of him, kissing his neck. Sirius cheeks blushed, very aware that Remus was shirtless and looking at him being kissed. He closed his eyes, kissing Mary, trying not to think about it. He helped Mary to get rid of her shirt, now untying her bra. When he looked up again he saw Remus, completely naked. The flush he was trying to hide since the beginning was now completely on display, as he was focusing on a much more complicated task: breathing.
"You're okay?" She asked. She had never see him that anxious before.
"Yeah, yeah don't worry. I'm just a bit apprehensive. Come here." He said, focusing on her again. She took her pants off while Remus joined them on that side of the bed. Sirius grabbed a condom and put it on. She came back on him, while kissing Remus he entered in her. Everything was slow and gentle, but still very hot and exhilarating. They were all in a dreamy haze. They stayed like this a couple of minute then moved positions. Remus started fucking Mary in doggy-style while she was blowing Sirius. A few minutes later they all came. Sirius was first, bending his head backwards and opening his mouth as the peak went through him. Remus had a perfect view on his neck and the droplet of sweat pearling at his temples. As he came, his mind wandered in the depth of his imagination and he saw himself fucking Sirius instead of Mary. Once they were done they crashed on the bed more exhausted than ever.

Remus looked at the two others, lazily spread out on the bed, and started panicking. He jerked from the bed, quickly crossing the room to lock himself in the bathroom. He looked himself in the mirror trying to calm down, but when he saw his face it only reminded him of what they just did. It wasn't bad, it was even better than he expected his first time to be, but he couldn't think of that when the only thing in his mind was the image of him fucking Sirius.
What was happening to him? Why did his brain send him that image? And most of all why did he like it? Sure the sex was good, but he wasn't sure if it was because of it or because of what he imagined that he came. He realized he actually didn't look at Mary during the whole time he was fucking her. All he could remember was Sirius' face. Had he only been looking at Sirius the whole time? Oh god. Why? Why? Why did he enjoy that? Why was his brain so fucked up? Is this why he hadn't been sleeping with any girl when he had had so many occasions?

He heard Mary knocking on the door outside "Remus? Are you okay?"
He tried to catch his breath. "I'm good! Don't worry, I'm just gonna take a shower."
"Okay." She said, unsure. She came back to the bed and saw Sirius worried face.
"Do you think it's because of me? Was it awkward? Is he freaking out because he slept with a guy?"
"Sirius! Stop. I don't know, Okay? And if he wasn't okay with it he wouldn't have say yes."
"Yes but he might have changed his mind! Or what if he didn't realize back then and it just hit him?"
"Sirius. I don't know. And you don't either, so stop freaking out. It might have nothing to do with us. He might just be feeling sick."
"Because of me?"
"Oh god Sirius! I didn't know you were such a drama queen. I'm gonna start to think you like him at this point."
Sirius looked at her, not saying a word.
"Yes?" He said, shame flowing on his shoulders.
"Are you kidding me?" She yelled.
And once again, she was mad at him.
"Why didn't you tell me?? I- is it why you don't talk to him anymore? Does he know???"
"No, no! I- I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I was trying to forget it and I thought talking about it with you wouldn't help. And I still talk to him. Well I try to, but it's hard. He's my friend and I don't wanna loose him but I can't forget my feelings if we talk everyday. I'm sorry. I'm lost I don't know what to do..."
"I understand. I'm not mad at you for not telling me. But did you really think having a threesome with him would help? Cause let me tell you it's gonna be worse now."
"I know!" He winced. "But that was your idea!"
"But you could have said no you idiot!"
He looked at the ground.
She sighed. "Anyway. It's nearly 2am you should go to sleep. Try not to think about it too much. I'm sure Remus is okay, don't worry." She got up from the bed and left, heading to her dorm.

Remus was in fact not okay. He was seating on the bathroom floor, still trying to breath, questioning his whole existence. It was nearly 4am now and he was trying to figure out a way to not have to face Sirius for the rest of his life. How was he going to talk to his friend normally after that? Was he gonna see that image each time he'd look at Sirius face? His mind was rushing and he couldn't sleep anyway. He finally got out of the bathroom, checking multiple times that Sirius was asleep, and went out in the court yard. He had stopped at the kitchen on his way, stealing some toasts for breakfast as he wasn't planning on going to the great hall anyway. He watched the sunrise trying to come out with a plan. At 7am he went to the hospital wing, claiming he was feeling ill. The nurse asked him a few question and examined him. She didn't found anything obviously, except that a was really anxious and his temperature was a bit too high. She decided to keep him in observation as he didn't have class anyway. He was glad he could stay here for now and asked the nurse to send back any visitor, as he claimed it might be contagious. As if his body and his mind made an agreement, he vomited that afternoon. The nurse, Madam Pomfrey, decided to keep him a few more days, and it lasted like that until the end of the holidays. Everyday, when the nurse started to hope he was getting better, he puked again and she decided he needed to stay another day.

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