Chapter 8

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A few hours later they were all down in the great hall for breakfast. Everyone was in a good mood, except for Peter, and chatting animatedly about the night before.
"Honestly that was really courageous Marlene! I'm so happy for you two." Lily smiled clutched at James' side.
"Well it seems the night was beneficial to many people." Mary winked at Lily, then turned to Sirius. "And what about you? You haven't told us about your date."
"That's true! I didn't see you there last night where were you?" James asked.
"Uhm, somewhere... and it was good, great even." Sirius smiled to Mary shyly. And she returned the smile.
"Oi padfoot has a crush." He teased. "What's the name of the lucky girl?"
"i won't tell you."
"Really? Will you ever tell me?" He asked confused.
"Hopefully, yes."
"Oh, so it's serious then? Someone really made the lady-killer Sirius Black fall for them uh?"
Remus was looking at his plate, ears crimson, trying not to smile too much.
Sirius looked at James, equally red. Trying to control his voice he said "Maybe." and went back to eating his beans.

The next few weeks were uneventful as everyone was starting to take their OWLs seriously and spent all their free time studying. The parties were banned so their sleep schedule wouldn't be messed up and an anxious mood seemed to hang over everyone.
Everyone was dealing with it in their own way. Peter got detention for a week because he got caught smoking weed in the green house. James was spending every possible second on the quidditch pitch. And Remus and Sirius... well they were sneaking around anytime they could, kissing or bickering in Sirius' bed, in the prefect bathroom, in the secret passageway to honeydukes, in a corner of the library... literally anywhere there wasn't any others students. They were still trying to hide their relationship, even if Sirius felt comfortable enough now and sometimes wished he could tell his friends, he would wait for Remus to be ready. James had almost caught them a morning in their dorm bathroom and Marlene was looking at them suspiciously from time to time, but as a whole their friends were totally oblivious to what was going on.

After a few days of discussion (pressed by Lily) the prefects had decided to make an exception to the 'no party' rule for birthdays, just in time for Remus' birthday.

The boys had planned the biggest party since Sirius' birthday and Mary had helped them sneak in alcohol. Remus obviously thought it was irresponsible to have a big party so close to the firsts exams, but even Lily had tried to convince him, saying everyone needed to have a bit of fun anyway. So, on the 6th of March, the week-end before Remus' 16th birthday, the Gryffindor common room was packed with so many people you couldn't see more than two feet away.

When he entered the room he felt as if he was going to have a panic attack with so many people around. He suddenly wished he was invisible, but all those people were here for him, kind of, so it would be hard to go unnoticed. Just at this moment someone wrapped their arm around his necked and screamed "Happy birthday, Moony!". He turned his head and saw Sirius laughing with the biggest smile on his face, James by his side. "Happy birthday!" He said.
"Thanks guys." He smiled, his hand on Sirius' hip.
"Come with me, I'll show you around." James called. He showed him where was the bar and the food, then brought him near the fireplace in front of everyone and clapped loudly in his hands. "Everyone! Everyone, the birthday boy is here! Come wish him a happy birthday and let the party begin!" He shouted, his arm on Remus' shoulder, keeping him from running away.

People came one by one to congratulate him and half an hour later he could finally escape to a quieter place to calm down. He took a drink and went back in looking for Sirius.
Sirius found him five minutes later looking like an excited puppy.
"Sirius, Sirius! Calm down. I didn't understand a word of what you just said." He laughed. He loved when Sirius was like that, just happy and innocent.
"I have a present for you." He said again, biting his lip. "I've been waiting for months to give it to you, so, I hope you like it." He grinned, holding out an envelope.
"What is it?"
"Open it!" He was almost jumping up.
"Okay..." He took out a piece of paper and immediately new what it was. "A TICKET FOR BOWIE'S SHOW??" He asked with wide eyes.
"And I have another one so we can go toge-"
"God I love you." Remus breathed kissing him on the lips right away. Sirius was what Remus had always needed and he was so, so perfect for him. He was smiling so hard into the kiss and felt so happy it took him a moment to notice Sirius was a bit stiff, and then realise why.

They were still in the common room, with everyone around, probably looking at them right now.

He stepped back panicked, looking at Sirius' face who was smiling shyly. He couldn't look around. He couldn't look at his friends' faces or even at his classmates. What would they think of him? Would they be disgusted by him, or just ignore him because he was 'queer'?

His thoughts were running wild, shame and terror washing over him, when he heard a big noise coming from the other end of the room. He turned at once and saw Marlene, climbing the table with the food displayed on, a hairbrush in hand her wand in the other. She turned the music on and started screaming the lyrics to "Dancing Queen", looking extremely drunk. Everyone started laughing and the party went on. Lily and Mary joined Marlene soon enough and nobody seemed to notice Remus and Sirius in the back of the room. Nobody except James.
He was standing ten feet away from them, staring, frozen on site.
"James! I- that's not what it looks like!"
Sirius looked at him with a confused look. "Moony, I think we can tell him now..." he whispered.
"No, no. No I can't. I-" With tears in his eyes Remus stumbled backwards and run to the dorm.

He was crying silently in his bed when he heard the door open. The curtains of his bed opened and Sirius' head appeared.
"Hey Moony." He said very calmly, climbing on the bed next to Remus. He wrapped his arms around him kissing him on the head and said "He saw us Moony, it was useless to deny it. I explained everything to him."
"Mmmh" Remus mumbled.
Sirius waited a bit and asked "You don't wanna know what he said?"
"No." He sniffed. "He probably hates me anyway."
"What? No, absolutely not! He took it well don't worry. He was just a bit offended I didn't tell him first."
"You sure?" Remus asked puzzled.
"Yes, of course! He's your friend Remus, he's not going to judge you." Then he laughed lightly and added "And may I remind you he publicly admitted he had a crush on my brother so..."
Remus snorted, "Yeah, that's true."
"You alright now?" Sirius looked him in the eyes. "Think you're ready to come back down?"
Remus nodded, "Yeah, yeah just- just give me a few minutes."
"Okay." Sirius kissed him. "Don't worry, they're our friends, they won't judge you. They love you."
He took a breath. "And I love you too."
Remus looked at him, a genuine smile on his face. "I was scared you wouldn't say it back." He sighed.
Sirius laughed and kissed him again. Then he got up and left the room, smiling.

When he arrived in the common room he found his friends clustered in one corner of the room, chatting animatedly.
"Here he is!" Marlene cheered.
"Hi, just needed a moment alone."
"Yeah, we get it don't worry." Marlene smiled.
He looked at her and frowned. "You don't look that drunk. How on hearth did you sober up so quickly?"
"Oh but I didn't drink that much. Just thought you wouldn't mind someone stealing the attention for a few minutes." She winked.
"Remus! Happy Birthdayyyy!" Dorcas appeared at her side visibly drunk. "And don't worry, nobody knows about you two."
"Shhh. Sorry, I had to tell her to convince Sirius to ask you out." She laughed.
"Okay, wait a second who else knows?"
"Well, the girls and James I think."
"The girls?"
"Mary, Lily, Marls and Me" Dorcas clarified.
"And Alice." Lily added. "We needed her to ambush Sirius."
"So everybody." Remus stated.
"Hum, everybody except Pete." James corrected.
"Oh yeah. Are you going to tell him?" Lily asked.
"Well... I don't see why we wouldn't now."
"Do you want me to tell him?" Sirius asked with a concerned look.
Remus looked at him and smiled. "No, I think I should do it." He looked over and saw Peter seemingly very invested in a conversation with a Hufflepuff girl. "But not now thought. I'll tell him tomorrow. Let him enjoy the party."
"Yeah, sounds right."
The girls started talking about something else and James took advantage of the situation to come closer to Remus.
"Hey mate, I wanted to tell you I'm truly happy for you two. I hope you know you can always trust me, with anything." James said seriously.
"Thanks." Remus smiled. "I was a bit scared of how you'd react, that's all."
"Honestly, now that I know about it a lot of stuff makes sense. I don't think anyone else would suit you better actually. You two are like... complementary."
Remus was so grateful for James. He was the best friend anyone could ever dream of. He always had the right words, always brought a ray of light anywhere he'd go, always loyal and trustworthy.

A Bowie song started playing and Remus watched fondly as Sirius sang 'Rebel Rebel' at the top of his lungs.

RUB A DUBOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora