«· Chapter 3 ·»

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I woke up on a shirtless Andrew in front of me and I screamed.

He rolled his eyes. "Stop doing that." He said.

"Doing what?" I asked looking away.


"Mate?" I asked looking at his abs.

He looked at me and his wet dark hair fell over his blue eyes.

"Did you mark me yet?" I asked shyly.

He sighed, grabbing his shirt and putting it on. "I marked the old you, I don't know about you."

Ignoring his cold and heartbreaking tone I continued. "So I'm yours?"

"My old partner left, I already told you that! You're not her." He said taking a step closer to me with every word he spoke, his face was so close to mine, I could feel his minty breath on my lips, and I leaned in trying to close the gap between us.

"Just because you have the same face doesn't mean you're her." He whispered stepping back, causing me to fall on my face.

I sat on the ground looking up at him, my eyes watering.

I'm not going to cry.

He sighed and rubbed his hand on his face. "You should have stayed home when I told you to." He said his voice softer, he's hurt, he blames himself.

he looked at me for a while then sitting in front of me, he wiped my face with the back of his sleeve. "There was dirt on your face." He said.

"I'm.. I had a random memory last night, maybe its just a dream, but-" I said and he looked at me, hopeful, his eyes brightening. "I remember how we met, my past and pack."

He looked to the ground. "How far can you remember?"

"You introduced yourself helping me up."

He chuckled. "Funny, it doesn't feel the same when I hold your hand anymore, it feels like someone else's."

"Jerk!" I yelled shoving a finger in his chest. "I might not be what you want, but you'll have to deal with me, you don't have a choice you spoiled stupid shithead, I'm your mate and I refuse rejection, eventhough you can't really reject me since you already marked me."

His lips turned into a smile. "You said the same thing when I tried rejecting you the first time." He closed his eyes and laughed. "You're more like her now."

I can hear the pain in his laugh and sad smiles, and I felt pity.

"Andrew.." I said my voice softening, he looked at me with pleading eyes. "She's still there." I said. "She'll come back, you just have to wait until I get all my memories back."

"Or turn you into a wolf!" He said his eyes sparkling.

"I don't know how."

"If you got angry enough you'll change! It'll be terrible but you'll remember everything once you're conscious!"

I smiled. "Take it easy on me, my wolf barely talks to me anymore."

Little did they know it was the moon goddess's plan after all..


I growled in my sleep, I shut my walls and breathed.

The very next thing that happened was me and Andrew changing into wolves tearing our clothes and running deeper into the new territory, Andrew wanted to show me the place, its weird, but he liked it when I disrespect him, he said I was my true self around him, he liked that his status as a new Alpha doesn't scare me. I hate his ego.

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