What's Wrong With Me?

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Making cheddar cheese, Lilah added the sliced, boiled Irish potatoes into a clean bowl. A cup of sour cream, green onions, and bacon. Then a tablespoon of salt and ground pepper before smashing together and rolling it along with the freshly cut potatoes. She mixed it in a bowl of flour, eggs, and brown sugar. She did this carefully with her eyes concentrated on the baking.

Gently arranging the rolls of cheddar cheese on the baking pan, Lilah sprinkled olive oil and sliced onions on it before placing it into the oven to bake.

About to serve, Lilah felt a tingling sensation in her stomach. Although her tongue was mild and tasteless, she didn’t pay attention to it. It’s probably because she hadn’t eaten that Saturday morning.

Taking off the plastic baking gloves, the back of her right hand wiped away the beads of sweat hanging on her forehead. Just then, she felt eyes watching her and turned backwards towards the door.

It was Benita, staring at her as if watching a thief escape.

“Oh, mum.” Lilah felt startled, placing the hand on her throbbing chest. “How long have you been there?”

“Not so long.”

“I’m almost done with this.” The small smile on her face died immediately. With a feeling of nausea.

She placed a hand on her stomach and bloated. Her eyes turned away fearfully, and Benita rushed to her in concern.

“Are you alright?”

She got another dry heave and retch. “I feel like... Huhhhh! Purrr!!”

Lilah rushed to the sink, involuntarily emptying of contents of her stomach through her mouth.

“Puuurrrrrr!!! Ugh!!!” She puked irritatingly, forcing more vomit out of her throat.

Lilah coughed more content into the sink and spit out its sour taste. She quickly washed her face and raised her head from the sink.

“Are you okay?” Benita asked, more concerned.

“Yes, mum. I’m fine.” Lilah replied, despite the dizziness clouding her head.

Her mum placed a hand on her neck, feeling the temperature. It was warm. “Then why are you vomiting?”

“Maybe I overrated last night.”

“And what did you eat?”

A stunned look plastered Lilah’s face. Her lips just trembled. Unable to think or ever remember how last night went. She placed a hand on her forehead and closed her eyes to gain stamina.

Benita, as if unconcerned, took the dishes to the dining table. Leaving Lilah there to think about it. Her legs felt wobbly and her eyes clouded in dark invisible doodles. Lilah dragged her heavy legs into her room and locked the door.

The distant look her mother gave her was heartbreaking. “What’s happening to me?” Lilah asked herself, as more tears washed down her face. At that moment, she had lost interest in eating or cooking. All she wanted was to be alone. Not with Conan, but with herself.

Just alone.

Later that day, she walked to a supermarket down the street. Clicking on the doorbell, Lilah picked up some cheese and candies. Then a bottle of sparkling wine.

Placing it on the receptionist's table, the elderly man scanned what she had picked. He had a shiny bald head, bushy grey eyebrows,  and a clean shave.

“I’ll grab one of those too, please.” Lilah pointed at the pregnancy test strip pack behind him.

Looking at it, then back at her. He realized that was why she visited the supermarket.

“Any preference?” The receptionist raised his grey eyebrows at her.

“Well, the cheapest.”

He picked it up and placed it against the scanning machine.

“How old are you, dear?”

“15... I just need to be sure before my parents find out.” Lilah blinked her eyes like a baby, giving him a kitty look as if pleading. The elderly man wore a tight-lipped smile at her. How cute and innocent.

“5.60 dollars, thanks.”

Looking back at her, she wore a bitchy face at the old man, deepening a hand into her black, lettered jacket. Lilah slapped the payment on his table before walking away with the wine bottle in hand.

‘Damn her youth!’ He hissed, watching her swing the door, and walked away into the distance.

Getting home, Lilah heaved out softly. She got into her room with little interrogation from her parents. They were downstairs in the living room, watching the network news while she took off her jacket. Placing everything on the bed, she picked up the PTS and entered the toilet. She held a small bowl before urinating on it. Taking the strip out of its sachet, Lilah deepened the strip in the urine for 10 seconds before taking out the pregnancy test strip. Placing it on the side of the vanity unit. She held her head in confusion, hoping it would turn out negative. What happened that day was an unfortunate incident. She pondered impatiently on the thought. Sitting in the closet and burying her face into her palms. It took a while before the coloured bands appeared.

Lilah packed up everything and dumped it in the wastebasket. An infuriating sigh escaped her as she hurried to the sink to wash her tired face. Looking at the mirror, anger filled her eyes, and a hand took out her ribbon. Scattering her long wavy hair to the back.

Stepping out of the toilet, she grabbed her black purse and jacket before hurrying out of the house.

“Where are you going, Lilah?!” Benita stretched in that direction before Lilah banged the main door closed.

“How annoying.” She hissed, wondering where she was off to in that manner. Benita pulled out of her sleeping husband’s hug and looked toward her daughter’s room.

More than ever, she was curious to know what was happening in Lilah’s life. 'Was she sick or something?'

It’s been a month since she started working with her mate at Jordan’s company. Everything has been going right till now. Benita climbed upstairs and pushed the door. Luckily, it was unlocked. Peeping around before stepping in, Benita realized that something was off.

She peeped into Lilah’s toilet and gazed at her wet mirror. Then she saw what was inside the wastebasket. With two lines showing that her urine contains HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin), Benita knew what it meant. It meant that Lilah was pregnant.

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