The Barge

139 4 2

Inside the saferoom

Francis look at Japanese words on the walls

Francis : What the hell does this mean ?

Louis :  Hmm... Let me see....Uhm.... Taki I love you goodbye

Francis : Wow , how did you do that ?

Louis : I interned in Tokyo

Francis : Sound like Bullshit  . Hey say Bill's an idiot in Japanese

Bill : Hey!!

Ben : Not funny Francis

Francis : Hey Ben I thought you say your Ultimatrix have a Translate ?

Ben : It did but I still need to learn by heart and writing

Francis : Hey Louis , we've been through the whole goddamn country and it's all one big shithole . Still think it's going back to normal

Louis : Even if it does go back to normal , we won't . I think this island's the only chance we got

Zoey : So this is really it ? We're gonna run into some Island . So long world and good luck with all the Zombie and special infected

Bill : Zoey listen . The five of us are all that matter now

Zoey : I really don't want to hear it

Francis : Okay . Explain to me again why didn't we take any perfectly good boats we passed

Bill : I keep telling you we're looking for a sailboat

Louis : I think we're going to find that sailboat right around the corner , you just watch Francis

Francis : Louis if you don't stop being positive , I'm going to sink the boat just to make you sad

Louis : Thinking  positive got me where I am 

Francis : Okay , then why don't we tried one of those boats look for a sailboat  ?

Zoey : Because Francis ... Hey... Yeah ... What the hell Bill ?

Ben : Now you mention I could turn  into to Upgrade to merge with one of those boat or Jury rigg could fix it and make it better boat

 Bill : Alright those planned not a bad idea

Louis : Let make a note of that for next time alright

Ben : Let go

Ben open the door and the group walk out the saferoom

The group kill some Zombie and move through small, dark internal space containing a few couple of propane tanks

Bill : Take some of those , they may useful later on

Francis , Ben grab propane tanks each

The group when walk out the brick factory they saw a bright sunlight streaming in through an open doorway reveals a wide vista taking in a truck loading area containing a couple of semi-trailer rigs, stacks of bricks and numerous passive Common Infected.

The group keep walking and shooting any Zombie come near them

Ben : Something doesn't feel right here

Bill : We're gonna die if we stay here . Let's head to the water and look for the sailboat.

Zoey : Ben's right . Something doesn't feel right here

Louis : Why I got the feeling somebody or something is watching us

Francis : Maybe a hunter or Smoker is watching , let' just keep moving

Ben 10 Crossover Left 4 DeadOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora