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I decided that it would be a good thing to call Enzo and let him know about that stunt Jackson tried to pull. Since i am the one who's going to end his pathetic life, i figured, why not let everyone have their little fun with him before i do that?

Which brought me to this, waiting for enzo to answer his phone.

"Hello?" His deep voice answered from the other side. One could get an orgasm hearing his voice itself. But not me, of course. Jokes aside.


"Jade. What's up?" I could hear the amusement in his tone which i couldn't understand since i didn't say anything funny.

"You sound amused. May i know why?" I questioned, unable to stop a smile.

"Ive been thinking about you and here, your name appeared on my phone."

"Oh well, i call bearing good news."

"What might that be?"

"Jackson's here."

"Jackson? As in Irina's brother?"

"As in the asshole who killed Blake."

"I'll be there in 5." With that, he ended the call. Jackson's in for a long ride considering the anger i detected in Enzo's voice. He sure as hell was mad.


He was here in 3. Apparently, he was just around the corner when i called. So here i was, standing beside him infront of a very beaten up Jackson. My father did a number on him.

"Oh look who is here." Jackson spoke, sarcasm dripping off his tone. "The boyfriend."

He started laughing then coughed blood which made me cringe. Normally, blood did not bother me this much but since it's coming from Jackson...gross.

Enzo's eyes were fixed on him as he removed his jacket and rolled up his sleeves, flexing his tattoos.

"Shut the fuck up." Enzo groaned, walking towards the table where all the knives were stored. His finger touched the edges of the knives before he finally took one, chose one.

"How would you like to die, Jackson?" Enzo questioned, tracing Jackson's jaw with the knife. Jackson gulped, clearly fearing what's about to happen next.

"Don't kill him." I said, making Enzo's eyes snapped to mine. "i would like to be the one ending his pathetic life."

Nodding, he smiled at me. "Okay."

"Now, im going to torture my step mother a little bit. Ive been wanting to do that since i first laid eyes on her." I sighed, making my way towards the door. A smile made its way onto my face upon hearing Enzo's "Have fun with that", knowing damn well that i intend to.

Opening the door where Irina was tied up, her eyes immediately snapped to me, widening in the process. She knew i did not come here to let her go. She betrayed my father, my family, my brother, me.

"Hello, step mother." I smirked at her reaction. She started moving in a manner of untying herself, obviously not succeeding.

"J-jade-" She stuttered, watching each of my steps cautiously. My eyes fell on a chair across the room which i dragged, knowing that the screeching sound was bothering Irina by the way her jaws were clenched. Finally, i stopped it infront of her and sat on it.

Crossing my arms, i stared at her, trying to study her- trying to figure out how someone like her got caught up in the middle of all of this.

How can someone even fall for someone like Jackson? Question of the day.

"So tell me, why Jackson?" I raised an eyebrow at her, receiving an eye roll in response. Annoyed by her reaction, I stood up, walked to the table where several knives were stored, picked the smallest one and returned to my seat.

"Roll your eyes at me again instead of running that mouth of your, you'll see your right eye ball on a fucking fork." I smiled innocently at her after threatening her, making her gulp in fear.

"I don't understand why your father handed over the mafia to you. You're untrained and incapable." She laughed, making me smirk at her which made her furrow her eyebrow in confusion.

"I am more capable than you think." I stated, "And besides, who did you think he would have handed the mafia over to? You?" I gave her a disgusted look before continuing, "You're so stupid, Irina. You really thought, marrying my father would help your boyfriend take over my mafia, make him a little known- a little famous? A little powerful?" I scoffed.

"Your boyfriend is the one incapable of leading a mafia. I mean, his men ran away, leaving him here along with you." I pointed out, "This just shows how much he sucks as a leader and with you by his side? I bet they all would try to kill you."

And guess what I earned? An eye roll. Yes, a fucking eye-roll.

I stood up abruptly from my chair, made Irina jump in the process. "Wher-where are you going?"

"To get a fork. I warned you." With that, i made my way out of the room, with the intention of returning with a fork.



Finally done with exams. I'll try to end this story as soon as i can. Thank you for your patience 🤣

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