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I am going to kill this man. This urge to kill Jackson is so fucking strong right now. I'm starting to think that Jackson has a hand in all of this, Jackson and Irina as well. That feeling is pretty strong. All i have to do is get him to admit it so i can avenge my brother and i  prefer only one way to get people to admit things- torture.

My father looked at me, waiting for me to deny what Jackson just said but i could not bring myself to do it. I looked down, tried to stop the tears from falling. This time, it wasn't the death of Blake that's making those tears appear, it is the sad look on my father's face, disappointment, anger, sadness, all at once.

"Your silence is saying a lot of things right now." My dad pointed out with a frown. "Is this true?"

Not being able to utter a word, i slowly nodded my head earning a very fake gasp from Irina. She watches too much TV, nobody, i mean nobody, gasps this loud. It almost as if it was fucking rehearsed.

"When?" He questioned.

"4 years ago. The day i left..."

"Told ya." Jackson smirked as i clenched my fist, reading to punch him across the face but i knew my father needed me right now. I turned to him, his eyes were brimming with tears. "Why didn't you tell me?" He asked, his voice cracking.

"I did not want to see you like this." I replied truthfully. The sight was just heartbreaking. "See me like this? You're bound to see me like this. How else am i suppose to react after learning that my son is fucking dead?" He snapped, each of his words making sense.

"You could not bear the news of losing him and i cannot bear looking at you like this. Look at you, dad-" I started, my voice becoming louder and louder. "-We both know you're going to drown yourself in fucking alcohol then you'll get sick again. I don't wanna lose you too."

That seemed to touch his heart, i mean, im not surprised. I always had a way with words, he said it himself. His expression changed and he enveloped me in a hug, completely forgotten that Irina and Jackson were still here.

"Im sorry, im not thinking straight-" He started, "Im thinking about myself, you've been living with this, alone. I should have known something was wrong, i should have. You lived with this all by yourself..." His voice croaking at each sentence.

"I chose to live with this." I stated. "Im so sorry for not telling you."

"It's-" He started but the groaning of a certain someone interrupted him. "Oh come on. I did not tell you that for nothing. I wanna see some action here, hate her or some shit."

Breaking the hug, i launched at Jackson, punching him across the face and he fell on the ground. He was shocked at first but then quickly regained his posture. Irina again, gasped. "You can't just hit my brother like that for nothing!"

"You wanna be next?" I asked in a serious tone, she knew not to mess with me right now. She instantly went quiet. Jackson on the other hand, did not like this at all. I mean, who would like to be punched, right?

"You fucking bitch-" He growled, taking out his gun and pointed it at me. I knew i had to play nice right now, this gun was completely unexpected. I did not know he was armed and neither am i. Putting my hand in surrendering manner, i took a step back and stood beside my dad.

"I told you-" he pointed the gun on my dad, "That your son is dead and she hid the truth from you so that you can hate her not fucking hug her."

"I take it you had a bad relationship with your dad?" I asked making him glare at me. I smirked, he just proved me right.

"Not one more fucking word." He snapped then let out a sigh. "Im tired of pretending."

"Same." I sighed, earning curious glares from them, "I know you were the one who set Lorenzo up, i know you were the one who killed Blake and i know you are the son of Peter." 

"What?" My dad asked, "Peter as in the Russian mafia leader?"

Jackson seemed Impressed but then curiousity beamed in his eyes. "How did you figure all of this out, hmm?"

I smirked, "I didn't. I just listed all of my doubts and you cleared them out."

"Smart move." He clicked his tongue, "You're so much more than what I've heard of you."

"What I don't understand is what Irina has to do with all of this." I thought out loud making Irina grin. "We're dating in reality." She stated and literally jumped on Jackson, kissing him. Jackson was caught of guard and i took this opportunity to disarm him. Now, i had the gun. Who knew Irina would be this useful one day...

"What the fuck is wrong with you, you horny motherfucking bitch?" Jackson snapped, pushing Irina away from him. He looked furious, furious with Irina. Poor her.

"Take one step and I will end you." I pointed the gun to his head. He immediately stopped in his action and stood straight, glaring at me.

My dad rushed to the drawer next to the couch and got his gun, pointing it at Irina. "You were seriously cheating on me?" He questioned making Irina smile, "Yup."

"Oh my god-" he breathed out, "You have no idea how relieved i am right now. I've been wanting to kill you for quite a long time now."

I snorted at this and Irina's surprised face. "So, Jackson-" I turned my attention on him again, "Why kill Blake?"

"You killed my father. I thought, why not?" He smiled, seeming too carefree for someone who has a gun pointed at him.

"You're not alone, are you?" I questioned, shaking my head. "Obviously not. Im the new leader of the Russian mafia. You'd really think I'd attack the American mafia alone?" He smirked and just then, a group a men bursted my door open. They were all heavily armed and their guns were pointed at me and my father.

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