"You got all of that from our conversation back there? I swear you were trembling the second I pulled you away from him. How did you even have the time to believe this false story?" Harry questioned as I licked my dry lips.

"I think you're so caught up in your own world, and in your own life that you don't realize the people around you are in pain. You didn't even take the time to care about Ranger. You probably don't even check up on any of the people in your gang cuz you're so caught up in trying to be the best one." I said as he clenched his hands around the wheel.

"I didn't take the time to care about Ranger? Who was saving your ass back there huh? Who?" Harry hissed as I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"You just proved my point Harry. It always goes back to you. Everything is about you, and if it doesn't involve you, you treat it like it's dirt and you turn the other cheek. What a great- and genuine title you've set for yourself. I bet you're proud to be a part of the Violet Kings. A famous gang who doesn't give one crap about the other person because you're all selfish." I vented as he seemed to get offended by my statement.

"I don't know where this silly talk is coming from but you need to shut your damn mouth! You know nothing about my gang and I can say a whole lot of sh*t about yours! Ranger and I have been close ever since I was eight years old. I grew up with him my whole life and I view him like he's my own blood. He is like family to me and it is his job, and his duty to protect me and his own territory no matter the cost." Harry informed as I crossed my arms.

"If it wasn't for me saving your ass, you would of been dead on his driveway by now!" Harry raised his voice as I swallowed tightly.

"I never said Ranger was the sh*tty friend." I commented as Harry looked over at me.

"Why do you constantly have to be a b*tch all the time?!" Harry growled as I gasped.

"Why do you have to be an egotistical dickface 24/7?" I snapped back as he clenched his jaw.

"Do you know how embarrassing it was that I had to beg my own mate to not kill you?" Harry asked as I rolled my eyes.

"Oh cuz being vulnerable is such a turn off in your gang isn't it." I faked a pout as I looked over at him.

"God I should of just let him kill you." Harry groaned as he started to get frustrated.

"Yeah maybe you should of. But I'm too important to you aren't I." I said as I smiled in victory to myself once I saw how pissed he looked.

"You don't mean sh*t to me. I had to say what I needed to say in order for Ranger not to shoot you. It would of been a waste of all this effort and time if he did." Harry responded.

"Well he seems to value you highly if he chose not to. That guy was dead set on wanting me dead." I sighed as I leaned back.

"Ranger doesn't show mercy to anyone. He kills on sight. The only reason he didn't shoot you right off the bat was because he wanted to know why you were with me." Harry explained as I slowly looked over at him.

"What if that person was a sweet old lady?" I asked as Harry kept his eyes forward.

"There would be a dead grandma on the news." Harry replied as I gasped.

"Your gang is so twisted!" I breathed as my eyes grew wide.

"Oh please, don't tell me your gang is all sweet and innocent. I know you guys do some wicked things yourself." Harry scoffed.

"Only when they deserve it. Not just for fun like you guys." I defended.

"Ranger doesn't do it for fun." Harry replied.

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