2// The Aftermath of a Tragedy

Start from the beginning

He was losing it and fear washed in. Due to this, he became sombre and a tear fell from his eyes. His heart was racing and its speed was uncontrollable.

It seemed unbelievable because Charles is a strong individual who is used to fighting battles of the heart. Nothing has proved possible to sway him after his experiences as a child.

After conquering his past and his afflictions with his family, he decided to mould his life according to his prospects and live by them. At this point, he felt weak and helpless because he didn't want all his hard work to be in vain.

He became lost in his thoughts and due to his dissatisfaction with the matter at hand, a scowl formed on his face. With his back resting on the couch, he shook his head and another tear fell off his face. He spread his hand over his face and breathed out. Tired of thinking, he sat up and swallowed another gulp from the glass in hand.


It's 3: 05 p.m. A phone beeped in the Jacksons' residence and it came from the study room.

James Jackson, Charles' father and a man in his fifties faced the window staring at nothing in particular. His shoulders were firm and his dark hair shone on his grey suit. As soon as he heard the beep, he left the spot and reached for his phone which lay on the desk.

"Any news Andrew?" He asked his personnel who kept him updated about West Land Airlines.

"Yes, Chairman but it will displease you," Andrew answered.

"Let me decide that. Go on." James ordered and silence surged for a while before Andrew spoke.

"Sir, the flight that took off this morning for Tokyo is missing. I'm sorry sir."

"What!!!" James yelled in surprise and his phone dropped due to the shock he was in.

"I'm sorry sir. Andrew said again before the call got disconnected but James was too shocked to respond.

As his phone fell, he lost balance and put his weight on the desk as he rested his hand on it. Soon, he was facing down and squeezing his chest. As James' voice bellowed in the mansion, Henry Jackson, Charles' fifteen years old brother came rushing.

"Dad! Dad!!" he called out but his father who clutched at his chest didn't respond. He placed his hand on his father's chest and held him firmly as James was becoming weak. James groaned and this made Henry scared.

"Dad!" He called out again but James collapsed.

Without hesitation, he spoke again. "Mom! Mom!! Somebody!" he shouted and Veronica Jackson, a beautiful, elegant and classy woman in her early fifties and Charles' mother came in.

She was shocked by the scenario as her husband lay on the floor with her son looking helpless and the sound from her heels gratified her as she started rushing toward them.

"James! James!!" she yelled as she shook his body.

"Martha!" she yelled again and a beautiful maid arrived.

Just when she stood by the door, Veronica ordered. "Call Daniel. I need him now."

Quickly, Martha went out and came back with Daniel, James'. Daniel rushed toward them and assisted Henry in lifting his father.

"Call the doctor immediately!" Veronica ordered Martha and the young lady rushed to grab the phone.

"Okay, ma'am."

She checked the phone book which was in James' room and did as she was told. Veronica was worried about James and it lingered on her face. She was panicking because she didn't know what went wrong. With Daniels's help, James was placed on his bed.

"Ma'am, I've done as you instructed," Martha said as she came into the room and then, she stood looking at James.

"I hope it's not serious," Daniel said.

Veronica was disgusted by this as she hates being in the presence of the workers. Veronica was more disgusted by their commentary because she doesn't see why they should share their opinions or get involved in personal issues.

Veronica moved closer to James' bed and sat by his side. She held her husband's hand and looked at Daniel before she spoke.

"You can leave now," she said rudely and they both looked at her a little surprised. Martha was more surprised because she didn't expect Veronica to behave like this in such a situation.

"I said leave my presence!" she ordered and they rushed out.

Henry was surprised by his mom's attitude because all they did was worry about his father's state of health.

"Mom, that was unfair to them. You called them and all they did was help."

"You said it. I called them, that means that I can dismiss them whenever I want as well," she replied.

"Mom!" he called out in surprise.

"Look, that should be the least of your worries. What happened to your father?" Veronica asked and Henry frowned.

"I don't know. I'm confused." After his utterance, Veronica looked at him in a confused manner.

"What do you mean by you don't know? I met you with him," she said.

"I heard dads voice and I rushed to study. When I got to him, he was clutching his chest and I tried to help him but he collapsed in my arms."

"Did you see him doing anything before he fainted?" she asked worriedly and waited for her son to reply.

"No. Wait, his phone fell. I think he received a phone call."

"Oh goodness, it must be related to the company's stocks. I've told him to stay off the business since Charles has been running it. Why can't he adhere to instructions? He's too stubborn." she said angrily.

"Mum, this isn't the time for lectures and besides he isn't awake. We should hope that it isn't fatal." Henry suggested.

"Excuse me, ma'am, Doctor Michael is here." Martha interrupted their conversation.

"Send him in," she said without turning to face her.

"Good day." Dr Michael greeted them as he came in.

"Good day doc," Veronica responded.

"What happened exactly?" he asked and Veronica was quick to respond, "He fainted after he received a phone call."

"I hope it's not fatal." she continued.

"Can I have a moment with him?" Dr Michael asked and Veronica nodded before answering. "Sure!"

Quickly, Veronica left the bedroom and Henry waited outside while she went to the study. Henry's words sparked her senses and she became inquisitive, desiring to find out what led to James' condition. She picked up his phone and searched through the call logs. Without hesitation, she dialled Andrews's number.

"Sir," Andrew answered.

"Andrew, what did you tell James?" she spoke.

"Ma'am I'm sorry about what I'm about to tell you," he said, realizing that Veronica was the one calling.

"What is it?" she said anxiously.

"Westland aircraft are missing." Veronica stared wide-eyed after his utterance, it sank in and she fell out of breath.

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