Chapter 1: Pilot

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'Shut up. What?'
'No way' Kie and I say
'No, no, guys. I'm serious. There's a boat down there'
'For real' JJ says
'Guys... is this...'
'It's a boat!' John B confirms
'Holy shit, he's right. Let's go' JJ says jumping back into the water
'You think there's a dead body down there?' I eagerly ask jumping into the water after JJ
'Guys, wait up!' Pope says as John B jumps in after me.
'Whoo!' Kie says joining us
'Get your ass in here!'
'Come on!' JJ and John B tell Pope as he finally jumps in the water.

We all take in a deep breath and dive under the water. Its a bit foggy but it doesn't stop us all grabbing onto the roof of a boat. I recognise it from the hour long talk about boats I got from my dad when I was 6, it was a Grady White. I didn't get a lot out of it though because I could feel my lungs starting to burn indicating that I had to go back up for air. I use the ship as leverage and I push myself up towards the surface. I come up gasping for air and everyone isn't far behind me. JJ can't stop smiling once he resurfaces next to me.

'You guys saw that?' I gasp
'Yeah' Pope says. John B and JJ start laughing as we swim back over towards the boat. I get back in first and I'm quickly followed be Kie.
'That's a Grady-White a new one of those is like 500 Gs, easy' I say while I put my shorts back on. Dad educated me on boats more then school so identifying boats was like second nature to me
'That's a primo rig' JJ says
'Yeah. That's the boat I saw when I surfed the surge, Maybe it hit the jetty or something' John B says, still out of breath from the swim.
'You surfed the surge?' Kie asks.
'That's my boy. Pogue style' JJ chuckles
'What the heck?' Kie says turning her head to me, looking for help
'I told him not to but he went anyway' I tell her shrugging my shoulders
'Wait, wait. Do we know whose boat that is?' Pope asks. John B then walks over the anchor compartment
'No, but we're about to find out.' he says as he begins to haul the anchor out of its place.
'Dude, it's too deep'
'Oh, for the weak and feeble, JJ' John b and I reply at the same time. We then share a look and smile at one another. This was a normal thing for john and I. We had been doing it ever since we met.

'Well, I'm not resuscitating you.I'm just making that clear up front' JJ raises his hands in defense. 'That's fine'. John B then walks over to the edge of the boat with the anchor in his hand. I salute John B who returns the gesture and then I see him look over at Kie who looks like she would rather him to do anything else but jump off the boat. 'What?' John B chuckles at her. 'Diver down fool' I tell him. 'Diver down' Pope says. 'Yeah he is' JJ says and then he pushes John b's chest sending him down into the water. I immediately run over to the edge of the boat next to JJ with Kie and Pope and we start to wait.
To be honest I don't think we had been waiting long but for me it felt like we had been and I was starting to get worried. JJ seemed to notice that I was uneasy because I felt him place his hand on top if mine to keep me calm.
'Should we go get him?' Pope asks and I'm about to nod but john b suddenly resurfaces in a fit of coughs. I feel my muscles relax in relief.
'Oh, my God. That took forever!'
'Ah, jeez'
'Don't scare my like that' Pope and Kie tell him as JJ helps him back into the boat.
'Any dead bodies?'
'Looting potential?' Pope and JJ eagerly ask John B
'I found this motel key'
'A key. Really?' I ask, disappointed.
'Yes, a key, Sky' 
'Great! We salvaged a motel key' JJ groans in annoyance and I go sit down next to kiara who says
'Guys, we should report the wreck to the coast guard. Maybe we'll get a finder's fee' Kie points out as John B puts the boat in drive and moves us away from the boat while put my shirt back on.
'Yeah, and not work all summer, instead we can party and smoke weed, sound fun Sky' JJ says and turns to me with a cheeky grin. I smile back at him and nod.
'Absolutely, thanks Agatha ya batch' I laugh playing along with JJ.

'Well, that went well' I say as JJ, John B and I walk back out of the building where practically everyone was raving bout how they lost their dog and their fishing boats. 'So what's the plan' Pope asks and I hold up the motel key. 'I know how we're gonna find the guy who owns that boat' John B says. 'We don't know whose room that is.It could be anyone' Pope replies. 'I'm in' JJ says before grabbing my hand to pull me back towards the HMS Pouge. 'Come on. we'll be lookout'  I hear Kiara say to Pope behind me.  'Finder's fee. Just sayin' and, hey, at least you'll only be an accomplice' John b tells Pope who finally follows behind the rest of us and we head off towards the motel. 

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