Special: BestiesWeek 2022

Start from the beginning

My teacher says that it's important to take as many notes as possible when you are out exploring. So if I want to be a good explorer I should take good notes and plenty of samples.

"Okay Flapjack this is our first exploration of the human world. Are you ready?" The little red bird let out a happy chirp and flew ahead of me to lead the way.

Right, when I started to chase after him I heard Owlbert hoot out a warning. Reminding us to stay close and be careful.

"We will! Byeee!" I shouted running after Flapjack who hadn't stopped. He was as excited as I was to explore the human world. "Wait for me!" He chirped back saying to keep up.

Flapjack and I spend a lot of time exploring together. Usually, it's the forest around our house or my aunty's house. When I get older I'm going to be a scout and eventually take over as the head of the emperor's coven just like mama. This meant that I had to become the best scout ever. I have to train very hard and Flapjack is always helping me. I need to get faster and stronger but also smarter. Mama says that brains beat muscles every time so I have to learn as much as possible.

"Hey Flapjack, hang on a second! Look," I said crouching down to pick up a weird-looking brown egg. When I did I noticed that it wasn't an eg. It looked like it was an odd egg-shaped wooden flower. All of its petals were made of wood. "What do you think this is?"

Flapjack perched himself on my head to get a better look then chirped saying that there were more of those things in the trees. "Do you think it's a fruit?"I asked looking up at the trees.

I wanted to taste it but it would be best to wait until we got back home and aunty Eda was around before I tried eating anything out here. I opened my backpack and put the wood flower in there.

We then continued on collecting anything that looked interesting and making notes in my notebook. After a while, I noticed that it had started to snow. I looked up and realized I could just barely see the cabin through the trees so I decided it would be best for us to go back. I finished up taking notes and packing everything in my bag. I had just put my backpack back on when I heard it. It sounded like someone crying.

"Flapjack..." I whispered. He had perched himself on a tree but flew down to me when I called for him. He chirped quietly saying that he could hear it too. Aunty had said not to let anyone see me or interact with anyone but what if they needed help. As a future member of the emperor's coven, I couldn't just turn my back on someone in need. "Okay, go on ahead and check if it's someone that needs our help. If they don't need us we'll just go back."

Flapjack nodded and then took off in the direction of the crying. I stayed in place but crouched down to stay hidden. Mama always says it's better to be safe than sorry.

A few minutes passed before Flapjack came back. He was flying as fast as he could to come to find me. At first, I thought that he might have been chased but he soon started chirping away furiously. He said that there was a little girl all by herself crying in the snow not wearing any protective gear. He said that she might be lost and needed help quickly.

Aunty Eda had once told me that humans are weaker than witches. That means that there was no way one could survive this cold, especially not wearing anything to protect them from the cold.

"Okay, go tell Owlbert what you saw. I'll go to where the girl is," I said to Flapjack who quickly told me where to find the girl before flying back to the cabin. I took off running following the directions he had given me. Aunty would be mad but a good scout always helps those in need.

As I got closer the sound of crying grew louder. I could now make out what the little girl was saying. She was crying for her mommy and saying how cold she was. I tried to run even faster trying my best not to trip and fall. Eventually, I got close enough to see her and I stopped. She looked to be around Amity's age. If I got any closer I would be breaking all of the rules my aunty had given. Still, this was the first time I had seen a human. Not to mention that she did look like she needed help. She was huddled on some leaves on top of the snow. She had short brown hair and tan skin. She wasn't wearing a sweater or a jacket, she didn't have gloves, a hat, or socks on. She was wearing a short-sleeve shirt, pants, and no shoes. She was shaking violently and I couldn't just stand there any longer. Aunt Eda always says that sometimes you have to break all the rules and take a risk. So I did.

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