Doubt had started to fester in the gaping wound that she had left behind. Leaving me wondering if I should have given up before it was too late.

As the night's festivities neared their end, I was startled out of my thoughts by a lady's maid that I had never met before. A woman, with kind eyes and a gentle presence, tapped me on the shoulder from behind, then beckoned me to follow without a word of why or who had sent her, and so I did.

She took me up the northern stairs of the courtyard, that led to the throne room, and before we reached one of the terraces that overlooked the yard, I recognized the person who had sent for me.

Princess Corinna stood braced against the stone railing. The blueish white moonlight and the faint glow of the torches illuminated her long ebony hair, making her appear almost ghostly.

She quickly turned her head in my direction as soon as I softly scrapped one of my shoes against the stone walkway. "Hello, Miss Beckett." Her soft voice struggled as she tried to raise it enough so I could hear her.

I curtsied even though she could not see it, "Good evening, Princess Corinna."

"Please, join me." She moved her hand hesitantly at the open spot next to her, as if she was unsure whether or not it had been the correct side.

I complied gladly without hesitation and leaned against the stone railing like she had. We both peered out over the yard, I watching the people dance as many of their dresses and jewels glittered in the night, and she pretending to, I suppose.

She was so small up close, her thin frame more apparent and she stood about three or four inches lower than me.

"I hear you've danced with not just one, but both of my brothers tonight." The sides of her mouth struggled not to curl into a small innocent smile. "It is good to know that Henry can dance after all."

"Indeed, my princess, I did." I looked over at her, who continued to gaze out into the yard. "Though, I have no idea why both would have chosen me, of all people, to be their partners. Because before tonight, I had never really danced at all."

She chuckled, the tenseness in her posture slightly relaxing. "I am sure they have a very good reason as to why, well at the very least Henry would."

"I see." I smiled at the thought of her approval.

The two of us fell silent, then she softly asked, "May I touch your face?"

"My face?" I scrunched my eyebrows at the question.

"I asked mother Idra before you all presented yourselves to us, if she would have each of you allow me to touch your faces. You know, so I can feel what you look like, but she told me no. I wondered if it was because she thought it rude, but despite my inability to see everyone for myself, I thought I at least deserved to see you all in my own way." She paused, then chewed on her lip for a second before continuing, "If you find it rude or uncomfortable, please, you can refuse. It will not hurt my feelings and I will understand."

She was tense again, her voice quivering every once in a while, which made me feel stupid for even questioning her. I had not minded her request, truly. I just had been simply curious as to why she had requested it. She was unable to see me, or the others, and just wanted to feel what everyone else had at the revealing, which I could not blame her for. Because it was something that should have never been denied in the first place.

I softly took her hands in mine and placed them on my face, allowing her to take over from there. I watched her sadness slowly melt into curious joy as she explored every inch of my face with her thin frail fingers. I closed my eyes so she did not have to worry about accidentally poking me in one of them and just allowed her to do as she pleased.

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