Chapter 2

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I woke up the next morning, but not where i fell asleep. i found myself in chandlers room. I lifted myself up from laying down and saw chandler laying at the bottom off the bed still sleeping.

I found myself staring as i realised he started to wake up. I slowly got out the bed and walked out the room. I walked into the kitchen and saw joey getting himself a glass off water. he'd obviously just woke up too.

"hey joey" i greeted sitting at the breakfast bar.

"hey Nina" he said heading towards the door "cmon lets go get food from Monica"

i happily agreed and we walked into her apartment and raided the fridge for food. We then walked back into his apartment and started eating the food. Chandler walked in soon after and grabbed some off the food and sat on the couch and ate it.

After a few minutes, i got up and decided to get dressed. I picked out an outfit from the many bags i had left in their living room and walked into their bathroom to get changed.

 I picked out an outfit from the many bags i had left in their living room and walked into their bathroom to get changed

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I walked back into their main room and sat down next to Chandler.

"What do y'all wanna do? im bored" i complained.

"I've got an audition" joey excused.

"yeah im driving him" Chandler said.

"well i'm going to ask the girls bye" i said leaving the house and walking to Monica and Rachels apartment.

"Yo! what are you guys doing today?!" i asked.

"well we're about to meet Phoebe at The coffee shop you can come if you want" Monica explained.

I agreed and we all left the building and we made out way down to the café. We all walked in and ordered what we wanted and sat in the same place as yesterday.

We all sat and spoke about random stuff when Rachel said "hey Nina joe told me you came out off chandlers room this morning" teasingly.

"No! No its not like that! i was just sle- it doesn't matter!" i rambled as the rest laughed at my obvious red face.

"So you and chandler Huh?" monica also teased along.

"No!" i said covering my face.

"the blush all over your face says different" Phoebe laughed.

"you're all dumbasses" i groaned.

they all erupted in laughs and we started to leave the Cafe.

I left an extra $5 on the table for the next waitress to pick up and left the cafe with the others.

we went back to Monicas apartment but soon enough i went back to Joeys and chandlers after getting bored off Monica rambling about cleaning.

I walked in remembering the two guys had left for joeys audition. I looked through the fridge and grabbed myself a beer and a cigarette seeing as no one was home.

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