chapter 2 • starbucks

Start from the beginning

Tossing my hair up in a bun and throwing on a pair of black vans I take the money Ryan threw at me earlier and head to the shops. He didn't leave me with enough money to catch a taxi so I had no other option other than to walk.

Counting up the money I realise I only have $35. Barely enough to buy a decent steak for Ryan's dinner tonight. I buy a packet of potatoes because Ryan always wants
"freshly make fries, not the shitty frozen ones" as he always says.
I search for a nice piece of steak and strike a bargain. It's possibly the nicest looking steak in the entire shop and it's on special. I scoop it up and quickly head towards the check outs. I'm surprised when I realise that I have $8.50 left over, I notice my stomach grumble and a smile comes to my face when I realise exactly what I want to spend it on. Starbucks.


I hurry my small feet through the shopping centre and towards Starbucks. As I enter the store the instant smell of coffee fills my senses and brings a smile to my pale face.

I line up awaiting to be served when suddenly the atmosphere lifts and I notice a few girls starting to get jittery and excited. I turn around to try and look over the small crowd of about ten girls but I'm too short to get a good look. I turn back to face the register and realise that the lady is waiting to serve me.

"What can I get for you?" The lady asks politely with a genuine smile.

"Just a small caramel latte and a white chocolate chip cookie thank you." I answer her as my stomach grumbles at the thought of food.

"That will be $8.50." She informs me and I smile knowing that I saved exactly the right amount of money.

I hand her the money before walking over the the waiting area. I hear some snickering and laughing from behind me and turn around to see three blonde girls in their mini skirts and makeup that would have to be an inch thick, staring at me and laughing.

"What a grub." One of the girls laugh.

"I know right. No guy would ever look at her without wanting to barf." The second girl says as I turn to try around and ignore them.

"I'm surprised she can even afford to be in here. Just look at what she's wearing, it looks like a bunch of rags." The final girl comments as my eyes tear up.

Thankfully the lady calls my name, signalling that my order is ready. I quickly collect it, just wanting to leave and go home. I pick it up and turn around before coming to an abrupt stop and stumbling over. My drink and cookie fly in the air and land on the white tiled floor.

I sigh at the mess and look up to find one of the blonde girls from before laughing.

"Whoops. Sorry." She giggles before returning back to her friends.

"I can't believe you actually touched her. Yuck." One of her friends say making the three of them burst into laughter as they leave the store.

A loud sigh leaves my lips as I'm yet again left with no food.

"Do you need a hand?" I hear someone call and choose to ignore them as I assume it's the three girls back for round two.

"Are you ok?" I hear the same voice call and only this time I realise that it's a male voice.

I look up to see a boy around my age with blonde hair, crystal blue eyes and a lip ring in the corner of his mouth, holding his hand out for me.

"I-I'm ok." I stutter out as I quickly get to my feet, denying his hand up.

Looking down at the spilt drink my eyes water up because I honestly don't know when the next time is that I'll be able to eat.

"No need to cry over spilt milk." He says with a smirk trying to make me laugh but my expression stays blank as this humour is foreign to me.

"Hey, I'm sorry. Please don't cry it's just a drink and a cookie. You can buy another one." The boy tells me as I shake my head.

"I can't afford another one." I finally speak up.

"Let me buy it for you then." He suggests with an honest smile.

"No, it's ok. You don't have to." I reply softly as I look around the store and notice almost everyone's eyes on us.

"I want to though." He insists and as much as I want to say no I just can't.

"Thank you." I give in as I nod my head.

"Alright, well I'll go order our drinks and you can go grab a seat if you want." He tells me as he walks over to the counter.

I take a seat exactly where he pointed and waiting patiently. I'm not sure what to think of him, he seems so nice but I think he's just acting that way because he wants something. That's exactly how Ryan acted at the beginning, he was so sweet and romantic until one day he woke up and his favourite shirt wasn't washed so he beat me.
I'll never forget that day because that was the day that I lost the man I fell in love with.

Shadows in a Window // Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now