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The Lieutenant entered the library again, but apparently this time his eyes were not looking for his friend but for someone else

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The Lieutenant entered the library again, but apparently this time his eyes were not looking for his friend but for someone else. Someone he lent his jacket to. "Oh Lieutenant Min is here." His friend chuckled. They sure were friends but John Walter never dared to call him by his own name. Ofcourse, everyone was afraid of Lieutenant Min Yoongi. "Yeah, where is my novel." The latter without having any greeting asked for the book he was reading yesterday. "Come take a seat, I'll bring that for you." The librarian offered him a seat as he headed in the small library in which he kept the books which belonged to VIPs aka British Officials. No normal citizen dared to touch the book the VIPs demanded for until they complete reading it. But Yoongi rather was busy, busy finding someone who was familiar and unfamiliar at the same time. "Here." John handed the blue cover book to the Official and went away again to adjust some books in the shelves. "Are they new?" The Lieutenant asked. "Uh... Yes, I ordered them a week ago and they arrived. They are the latest books that recently got published." John twisted his waist to look at Yoongi, while he was standing on the ladder. "Provide me with the list, I'll see if I get something of my taste." The latter hits the table infront of him with his forefinger, signing the librarian to keep the list there. "Sure thing." He said and again focused on arranging the books. "By the way." John started. "I have your coat from yesterday." The librarian informed and Yoongi's heart thumped loudly inside his chest, he was for the very first tume afraid of being caught. But why? He didn't do anything... Did he? Well he himself knew, that he tried to help the daughter of a revolutionary. "W... Where did you get that?" He himself was surprised because everything was new to him, he never stumbled, never, infront of no one. "It was on 'the girl I showed you yesterday's table." John said as his back was still facing Yoongi but little did he knew that Yoongi was watching his every move. "Yes, I think I forget that there." He tried making an excuse, but it was lame one. Yoongi never made excuses for anything. He was loyal, he was honest to his authority. And that's the reason, when he made one, it came out to be lame. "It's okay, I dry cleaned it and will hand it over to you." Yoongi let out a sigh of relief of not getting suspected by him, but still his heart was thumping, he can't control it somehow. So Chandni never accepted his help? Does she know that he is Lieutenant Min? Do she also hates him as much as her father do? All these thoughts did nothing but sent Yoongi in sadness, sadness he can't overcome. He, for a reason he don't even know felt weak in his guts, his heart ached. Why? The term 'why' ringed in his head everytime he felt something but his inexperienced self never got the answer to the term.

A ring on the doorbell pulled him out of his thoughts, and he again met the eyes of the girl who was not ready to look at him till yesterday. Someone for sure thought for a while when giving her her name, Chandni. Because everytime she passes around, he can see nothing but moonlight, she is as beautiful, as rare and as bright as moonlight. The God must have been in a great mood when he designed this masterpiece of his. The eye contact was short but enough for sending him on the cloud eleventh. "Mr. Walter." The young girl was well aware about how Walter was. Ofcourse, why won't she? She is coming to the library since she was just a highschool student and she know the fact that John Walter, an English Man don't like the way his countrymen suppress people. She believes him. Whereas Yoongi on the other side felt his heart dropping into the pit of his stomach, not because she didn't accepted his offer yesterday but also because the first thing she ask when entering a library is John Walter. If he wanted he could forcefully tell John to stay away from her, but he didn't. He wanted to become close to her, just like Walter or maybe more than him. "You are late today." John comes down the stairs as the Lieutenant eyed each and every moment of both of them. "Oh yes, I don't even know, these Britishers, whoever that Min is, he hit several people on the street for god knows what. I was helping them." She said, her words, her face, her eyes expressing nothing but hatred. John eyed Yoongi for a second who was already looking at her. John thought maybe Yoongi would get angry at her and will hit her but to his surprise he was sitting silently listening to whatever the girl was saying about him. On the other hand, Yoongi for the very first time was reflecting on his action, his heart feeling weak and suddenly he felt guilt rising up inside him for torturing citizens but to get rid of all these thoughts he violently shook his head because to him it was nothing but rubbish. No matter what, his 'Her Highness', his supremacy comes to him first, and if someone asks, yeah even before Humanity. "Are you okay? You didn't got hurt right?" He heard John asking the latter, how much he wanted to ask the question, but again, Why? "I am perfectly fine Mr. Walter, but those people weren't. May Karma gets back to that whoever Min is." Both John and Yoongi was now confirmed that she didn't knew about how Lieutenant Min Looks but she only have heard about him, and only hearing about his actions made her this agitated God knows what will she do if she sees him doing those infront of her own eyes.

"What would you like to read?" "Did you got my order?" She asked as her frown was now replaced by a big grin and little did Yoongi knew his heart skipped a beat at that. 'Do I Have to see a doctor? Am I getting an Heart Attack?' The oblivious man thought. He saw John nodding and heading to the box he was unboxing a moment ago, he pulled out a pink book which had a beautiful flute engraved on it. Seems interesting. "Thank You Mr. Walter. You are best." She giggled and the cold Lieutenant melted even more that he would even evaporate and form clouds. The guy who used to finish a thousand page novel in a week was stucked on 2 pages since 2 days. The Lieutenant was admiring each and every movement of the girl and little did he knew was also copying them. The way she flips pages, the way she concentrated on each and every line. The way her facial expressions changed with the story line. He was busy, busy looking at the busy eyes going through the book, her rosy lips reading the words, her chest heaving up and down while she calmly breathes. Maybe Yoongi was oblivious but his actions were so obvious that John without even trying got what was going through his mind. A small grin appeared on his face looking at his cruel, rude and cold friend admiring someone with such a warmth, as if the girl is so fragile that she would break only by his stare. He knew what he was thinking and he didn't wanted to interfere. Not only because its his first time feeling everything but also because maybe it'll make him more humane. Maybe the infamous Lieutenant Min could actually transforms into a more kind and humane Yoongi Min.

"Lieute-" Both John and Yoongi turned their head towards the officer who just barged into the library. Yoongi kept him hands on his lips and he saw Chandni eyeing the cop with hatred. "I'll come outside." Keeping the blue book on the table, he leaves the venue to follow his junior. Did he even forgot about the list he asked for so that he could hide his identity towards the girl his obviously likes by now? "Why did they take him there?" The confused girl asked to the English Man making him shrug his shoulder. "He was saying something about Lieutenant, maybe that Psyche would also humiliate and torture him." John wasn't amazed as this wasn't the first time she saw the hatred dripping from her mouth against the Britishers.

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