She and His Jacket|S1/2|SFW|Fluff

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"Everything alright?" she asked.

"If you ignore the fact that I have to share a double bed with my three sweaty teammates, then yeah, perfectly fine."

"We found a floor mattress!" Cole's voice victoriously announced in the background, making her laugh.

A few more words were exchanged, though Nya couldn't understand. Had her own brother forgotten she was on call?

"Zane, you're metal, you can take Jay! No way in FSM I'm letting him hug me," Kai said loudly enough for her to hear. She couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, but she didn't get to respond.

"So, how are things over there with the storm?" Kai finally addressed her.

"Same thing here... I had to land the Bounty but I'm sure we'll be alright. We'll send you the coordinates tomorrow."

She was about to continue when a quiet voice echoed through her bracelet.

"Is... Nya? Can I... to her?" She couldn't make out much, she missed some words, but the voice undoubtedly belonged to Jay.

"You'll see her tomorrow, go help the others," Kai's voice said, only annoying her more.

"Tell her I miss her and I'll try not to miss our movie night tomorrow!" That time, Jay raised his voice enough for her to hear.

While she sat there in speechless shock, Kai could only groan. "Go to sleep, Jay," he told him.

"Tell him goodnight," she simply said, everything still a bit of a blur. "And that I hope to see him soon..."

"Yeah, yeah, I know, sappy love stuff," her brother politely said. "Goodnight, Nya."


She fell onto her bed and sighed.

It wasn't a serious thing; it wasn't like he had told her he loved her or anything...

But he did miss her.

That feeling inside of her... It must have meant that she felt the same.

But that wasn't possible; Nya hadn't really missed anyone before. Heck, even at that moment, it's not like she was missing her brother, Cole, or Zane... she knew they would just be gone for a day at most. Jay would too, he would come back with them!

But something was different that time. When she curled under the covers, slowly eating her ramen while the storm outside raged, all she could think about was him. Their movie night, their snacks... He had promised to make it by tomorrow.

But tonight, he would be gone. And not seeing his silhouette on her doorframe, ready to wish her goodnight and tuck her in, maybe kiss her forehead if he had the chance... It brought a feeling of dread upon her.

He was her dreamcatcher, in a way. And even with such thick walls, his voice would always slide through and echo in her room, acting as a lullaby that drifted her off to sleep.

When she eventually fell asleep, in contrast to the chaos outside, her mind was filled with dreams of contentment.

If her conscience wouldn't accept her feelings, at least her own dreams would.


Morning came but no sight of the boys. Just as she guessed, the storm was raging outside all the more.

With each passing minute, she craved his presence all the more; she wanted to eat breakfast with him, to admire him from afar as she watched him train, all whilst pretending not to notice his own quick and subtle glances.

Jaya OneshotsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя