Yunseo bit her lip back in anger. Meanwhile, this Hyun Joo woman had him wrapped around her own finger. She was furious at the thought.

When he looked up, she smiled sweetly, pecking his kissable lips before lowering herself into him.

Ha Joon sat up from bed, glancing over at where Hyun Joo normally slept. Whenever they had a long, rough day at work, they would usually sleep while tightly holding each other. He hadn't realized how that single gesture became far and far more treasurable when she left. 

But now, the spot that Hyun Joo emptied not too long ago was replaced by Yunseo instead.

He stood up, changing back into his clothes before walking to the kitchen. As much as he enjoyed having sex with Yunseo last night, it simply didn't give him as much excitement as with... never mind.

Speaking of which, he desired to see her really badly. Ha Joon felt himself twitch, and he groaned at the dent in his pants.

Just the fantasy of having Hyun Joo's body against his own was enough to turn him on.

What was he doing? He covered his face, sighing as he shook his head. She wouldn't leave his mind, no matter how hard he tried to forget her.

After taking a quick shower, he silently walked out, making up his mind. Ha Joon had to see her. He had to know what was of her whereabouts, and whether she was okay, even if it was for a short time.

As Hyun Joo walked out of the nail salon, she stared at her freshly pedicured nails, smiling in satisfaction. It had been a while since she went out to treat herself.

She went to the park, deciding to take a seat on the bench as she watched nighttime approach. Hyun Joo took out her coffee, sipping on it before leaning back and closing her eyes, relaxing.

"Hyun Joo."

Her eyes flew open, and she stood up as she made eye contact with Sanghoon, who looked anything but happy.

She gulped, but kept her cool. "W-what are you doing here?"

Much to her surprise, he shrugged. "I jog around here."


"Do you still live with that man?"

Hyun Joo nodded. "Y-Yeah." It would be fatal if she told him the opposite.

Sanghoon looked away. "So you're dating him."

No response. He dug on his pockets. "I haven't thrown your stuff. You can come anytime you want to pick them up."

Hyun Joo remained silent, blinking.

"What?" He grew annoyed, making her flinch back.

"N-nothing. I'm just.. surprised at how... you're speaking to me."

Sanghoon gulped, looking away. "I'm sorry, okay? I realized I did you wrong. I went to therapy and changed for the good. I promise you that I won't do any of that stuff again."

Hyun Joo couldn't help but blush a little at his sincerity. As much as she hated the abuse, she did sometimes miss the moments they had together before Sanghoon suddenly became violent. But it was all in the past now. She couldn't be stuck in the past, much more now since Sanghoon moved on.

And with moving on from the past, that meant having to stop having feelings for Ha Joon as well.

"I have to get going." Sanghoon said.

She nodded. "See you."

Ha Joon's eyes lowered and he walked away from the scene. It was already too obvious that Hyun Joo seemed fine enough without him.

He suddenly felt so stupid and angrily kicked an empty can of soda away. What was he thinking, to suddenly run off to her?

It all felt too painful, yet the jealousy increased as he felt his throat ache. Ha Joon began to run away, feeling heaviness with each footstep as he tried to escape from all the memories.

When they first met outside in the street. He could still vividly remember Hyun Joo's face as she lost the wallet from a beggar. She looked so innocent and hopeless now that he thought about it.

All that which contradicted the sexy yet submissive face as they had sex. It had been the first time in a while Ha Joon had ever brought a girl to his house. In fact, it wasn't something he actually liked doing. Only Yunseo was the exception, but other than that, when Ha Joon wanted to fuck, he always made sure he went to clubs. That was, until he stopped going there altogether as well.

Up until then, he didn't know why he brought Hyun Joo to his house that night.

But now, he did. And he deeply regrets it.

"Good morning." Jihoon said with a smile as Hyun Joo finished making coffee.

"Hey." She greeted him, handing him a cup. He thanked her and walked to the backroom to change.

Hyun Joo unlocked the office, walking in to take out the trash before Jihoon came back out.

"Did you sleep well?"

She nodded. "Ah, right. I forgot to tell you something."

Jihoon tilted his head. "What is it?"

"I decided to sleep in a sauna for now. It's been pretty hectic to actually find an affordable apartment, so I'm really sorry." Hyun Joo sighed.

"You can stay here, I really don't mind!" He insisted but she shook her head.

"Thanks. I really appreciate your help. I owe you one." She chuckled, patting his shoulder.

Jihoon popped out a smile, before he suddenly thought of something. "Actually, there's a couple who moved out of their small house not too long ago. Although I'm not sure if it's already taken. I'll ask."

Hyun Joo leaned forward in interest. "Where is it?"

Hyun Joo quietly followed Jihoon and the landlord as they walked inside the room.

"You'll find yourself comfortable here. There's a stove, fridge, and a bathroom in that tiny room. Not much space but it's perfect if you'll be living alone." The woman explained.

Jihoon nodded, humming as he checked the bathroom. "I think it looks nice, what do you think, Hyun Joo?"

"How much is it?" She asked the landlord.

"Seven-hundred and seventy-eight thousand won."

Hyun Joo's eye sockets nearly fell. "Is it really that expensive for something so small..?"

The woman's smile fell. "It really is not!"

Jihoon laughed. "If you save money, trust me it'll be easy to pay it off. You can also work for longer hours at the shop."

Hyun Joo pursed her lip as she calculated the bills in her mind. If she could work until midnight in Jihoon's coffee shop while also maintaining the rent, then could she really hold on to it? That would mean eating less to save up on food.

As much as she hated the idea, she didn't want to keep living in the shop for free. Hyun Joo hated to be an inconvenience for other people.

"Okay," She nodded with a soft smile. "I'll take it."

hi everyone early update b/c i want to try to finish my story to try to get into the wattys so from now on update every 3 days instead of 5

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