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      It was particularly cold on Halloween day, Iris made aware since she fell asleep with her window open the night before

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   It was particularly cold on Halloween day, Iris made aware since she fell asleep with her window open the night before. Shivering with regret, she tore herself from her bed, aggressively shutting it before launching herself right back onto the comforter.

   Before she could even think about shutting her eyes, her door opened, revealing her father dressed in his uniform. "Good morning." He smiled humorously, taking a sip from the mug he was holding.

   Truthfully, Iris and her dad had really drifted apart. He had started taking more shifts, almost forgetting about her at times. She knew he cared about her, but Iris was left to raise herself for the most part.

   "Hi." Iris responded drying, propping herself up on her forearms.

   "Training went well?" He chuckled.

   "I'm so unbelievably sore." She groaned, recalling how intense her workout was yesterday.

   "Well, take tonight off, it's Halloween." He reminded her before saying goodbye, heading to work.

   At least five days a week, Iris trained her abilities to make sure nothing new came up and to keep them under control. She had gotten much stronger and had been training harder and harder.

   She had this dark feeling that something was wrong, and she wanted to be prepared for it.

   Reluctantly, Iris got up from her bed, walking to the bathroom right away. She showered, then brushed her teeth and washed her face. She picked out a dark-colored sweater and loose-fitting jeans, nothing too different from her usual fall outfit, and put on her makeup.

   After giving up on her hair and just letting it fall however it wanted, she put on her favorite black jacket and black chucks, and made her way to Steve's house. Iris grabbed her bag before leaving the house, double-checking to make sure she had her walkman in there still.

   At the same time, Steve exited his house too, a dorky smile on his face. He hurriedly ran up to her, practically skipping.

"Happy Halloween, loser." Steve said, throwing her a Baby Ruth bar.

   Iris caught it reactively, grinning widely. "Thanks, numbnuts!"

   The two made their way into Steve's car, ready for the rest of their day. Halloween was always special to them, and they were excited to see what the holiday would be like this year.


   The day seemed to drag on for Iris, who kept her eyes on the clock through each period. Nancy, her lab partner, took notice.

   "Someone's excited about something." She teased, nudging the girl next to her gently. Like most teachers in Hawkins High School, they took every chance they had to not care about teaching. And with Halloween being a great excuse, most classes were just students talking to each other.

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