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A short while later, Iris and Steve poured the gasoline all over the meat, leading a trail while Max, Dustin, and Lucas finished the safehouse by putting a ladder to the top of the bus for lookout. For under an hour, the group did a good job.

By now, it was getting dark, and the kids all went inside the bus, Iris and Steve sharing a look before following. In mere minutes, it was completely pitch dark outside, everyone struggling to see very far in front of their face.

The silence was deafening, so Iris did her best to keep talking. She sat with her back against the wall of the bus, getting to know Max and bickering with Dustin and Steve. Lucas was insistent on keeping lookout with his binoculars, and as much as Iris didn't like the idea, he wasn't going to let anyone else touch them.

Next to her, Steve played with his lighter. Once again, Iris reminded him he didn't need it, which made Max look at her strangely.

"So, you've really fought one of these things before?" Max asked, looking much more welcoming than she did an hour ago.

Steve nodded, continuing to play with the lighter in his hands. Iris could tell he was bored, but also nervous.

"And you're like, totally, 100% sure it wasn't a bear?" Max asked.

"Shit, don't be an idiot okay? It wasn't a bear." Dustin snapped. "Why are you even here if you don't believe us? Just go home."

Iris gaped at him, never hearing him use that kind of tone before on someone other than his close friends.

"Geesh. Someone's cranky. Past your bedtime?" Max sat up, going to sit with Lucas.

"Dustin!" Iris exclaimed.

"What?" His voice cracked.

"That wasn't like you at all, don't be mean." Iris sat up. She was going to continue her thought, but a familiar feeling was starting to build.

Steve and Dustin continued to talk, but Iris couldn't hear them, too busy trying to decide if it was her nerves acting up, or if something was actually there.

"Stop. Just, shh." Iris says after a moment as the feeling builds. For a moment, it's dead quiet. Like it's been the entire night.

Then, a loud growl echoes through the yard, prompting Iris, Steve and Dustin to look for Dart through the tiny window in the bus.

"You see him?" Steve asks, but Dustin and Iris shake their heads in unison.

"Lucas, what's going on!" He shouts.

"Hold on!" Lucas yells back.

"Be fucking quiet." Iris whisper shouts, unsure to why they were making so much noise in the first place.

"I've got eyes! Ten o'clock!" Lucas stutters.

Iris' heart hammers in her chest as she spots the creature for the first time. It's hard to see through the fog coating the grass, but it's bigger than the slug she threw into Dustin's cellar.

"He's not taking the bait. Why is he not taking the bait?" Steve asks.

"Maybe he's not hungry." Dustin tries.

"Maybe he's sick of cow." Steve retorts, as he steps away from the window. Iris eyes him wildly, but makes her decision.

"Lucas!" Iris whispers to the roof. "Get your ass down here now! You too, ging!"

Steve picks up his bat, and Iris takes her jacket off. She rolled up her sleeves, stretching her arms.

"What are you too doing? Steve? Iris?" Dustin panics.

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