Sonnet 17: St. Botulph of Ikanhoe

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His brother had already set the bar,

But it was one that he would come to meet,

Over in Gaul he studied, not so far,

And he brought an order back: his great feat:
Was offered a piece of land most pristine,

But chose a site both wild and haunted,

From a home of demons to one serene,

Became holy but at first unwanted:
Served as a mentor to more saintly men,

And spread the word along the bandit roads,

Many a Church in his name built since then,

And travelers to him they sing their odes:
You saw gain where others only saw lost,

So I see pain, where others see my cost.

Saintly SonnetsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang